I'm here also to offer support for those that are tired of what's happening. I have a few things on my mind (sorry for the long paragraphs, lol): [indent]As a multiracial person (Hispanic and Caucasian), I have become increasingly tired with how the majority seem not to give a fuck about how the black community is treated until they get killed by cops or white boys playing soldier. Tired of how people think the BLM movement is advocating for violence just because protests are happening throughout the country, calling them a ""terrorist movement."" Tired of how a lot of people in my ultra-conservative town have reacted to everything that happened. Tired of my conservative family, who think Trump is a great president, that BLM is a terrorist organization working with ANTIFA and the ""radical democrats."" Tired of my past self who used to be like them until I woke up and realized that a world existed beyond my selfish self. Tired that I can't do anything else because of my current situation: not enough money to constantly donate to important causes and bail funds, no job to get said money due to my disability and COVID. It's tiresome to keep believing that change will finally come. Even if you know what will happen next, people will move on and then forget until the next black person ends up on the news because they were victims of police brutality. No wonder people are rioting and burning buildings. It's only when violence is introduced that it gets the much-needed attention. We need a general strike or dramatic before more people get seriously hurt or killed. Because if there's no actual, meaningful change to the system and police, and the world (especially the United States) gets worst, I think something much worst is going to happen. And it'll be too late to stop the response.[/indent] Sorry for the long rant, but it's been on my mind for awhile now. So, I will end with what I said in the status bar. [b]Black lives matter. All cops are bastards. Fuck the racists and fascists in the Trump administration. We need a general strike now.[/b]