[b][/b][i]"If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud. Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues, my friend, you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old Lie; Dulce et Decorum Est pro patria mori." [/i] -Wilfred Owen [center][h2]Autumn of 1757[/h2][/center] [img]https://i.ibb.co/nmG6kQB/Labelled-Map-1-1.png[/img] [b][u]2nd of July[/u][/b] Even as it's position seems to be crumbling, [color=#018c85][b]The Kingdom of Komentiolos[/b][/color] continues to look beyond it's own borders. The chaos of Aegyptus is a black mark against Komentiolos, but while it has inspired condemnation from the other nations of Europe, for the native leaders of northern Africa, it has served as a stark warning. Secretive meetings, carefully hidden from those who would report back to the rest of Europe, have been held with the satraps of the land caught between Aegyptus and Komentiolos proper. The shroud of dread, and the bloody reports from Aegyptus, no doubt go some way to sway these native leaders, but it is still an act of careful diplomacy to win over these leaders. Despite the apparently heavy-handed approach that King Nikolaos II has already proven himself capable of, in these meetings there is far more of a measured approach. Although there will no doubt be those who slink away in the darkness, agreements are put into place to allow the territory to once again join the fold of Komentiolos, and no time is wasted. Komentiolos has long held some influence in the region, and there are already a number of ports that are familiar with Komentiolos traders, but almost overnight, the kingdom increases it's influence tenfold. Although showing little interest in barren land and shifting sands, Komentiolos looks to secure the harbours along the region's coastline, as well as those that line the handful of rivers that reach out into the desert. Although the iron fist is never far away, it is with a velvet glove that Komentiolos has claimed huge swathes of land, and moved one more step closer to rebuilding it's great empire of old. [b][u]4th of July[/u][/b] The feast in the halls of [color=f26522][b]The Kingdom of Stevata[/b][/color] has been drawing to a close, the gathered leaders returning to their own nations, but news reaches the city of Ravoza that see's the leaders of the Western Alliance hasten their departure. Prince William Asmont dies in his bed, his will to live simply fading away to nothing. The prince had never recovered from the death of his beloved wife, Princess Karoline, and with [b]The Principality of Asmont[/b] safe in the hands of his son, William finally allowed himself to die of a broken heart. His death had seemed inevitable for months, and the transition of power is seamless. As the leaders of the Western Alliance travel to Aarborn for the royal funeral, Prince Alexandre Asmont makes preparations for their arrival. Despite the sorrow, this event may well bring the Western Alliance closer together, not least due to the fact that the new princess of Asmont is none other than the daughter of Arch-Duke Jean-Baptise Dervau, Juliette, a bond between Asmont and [color=87CEEB][b]The Empire of Grimhout[/b][/color]. Alexandre's older sister, Valentina, is also married to Jean-Baptiste's brother, Charles, and through these two marriages, Grimhout and Asmont and intrinsically linked. [b][u]6th of July[/u][/b] Even while the Western Alliance leaves the feast of [color=f26522][b]The Kingdom of Stevata[/b][/color], the diplomats of [color=FFD700][b]The Empire of Khazaria[/b][/color] finally break their silence. Officially signing the proposed treaty of Stevata, Khazaria reaffirms it's commitment to the Eastern Alliance, but it also takes the oppurtunity to go one step further. A vast painting is unveiled to the gathered nobles, showing a wounded rider of Khazaria, draped in the flags of Stevata, Khazaria, [color=82ca9d][b]The Kingdom of Paranas[/b][/color] and [b]The Kingdom of Teclav[/b] as he charges towards the line of his enemies, a sabre clutched in his hand. The painting itself is impressive, but it is the message that ignites hushed conversations in the capital of Stevata. It is Khazaria that rode to Stevata's aid, shattering the armies of [b]The Kingdom of Dorist[/b], and it is Khazaria that blunted the advance of [color=#018c85][b]The Kingdom of Komentiolos[/b][/color] when it threatened to break Paranas. King Oswald IV is obviously a man of ambition, but the young Şahin Macar is making a clear statement that it is Khazaria's sacrifice that has carried the alliance. Even as the Eastern Alliance seems poised to overwhelm the isolated Komentiolos, the intrigue of a power struggle threatens to bring it all crumbling down, and all eyes will no doubt be watching for King Oswald's response. [b][u]7th of July[/u][/b] [color=BA55D3][b]The Republic of Kalseran[/b][/color] may have stepped away from the war raging just beyond it's borders, but it is far from lying idle. Merchants have long been the lifeblood of the republic, bringing a river of gold into the harbours of Kalseran, and now is no different. The powerful merchant families of the republic hold sway in ports and harbours all across the Mediterranean, and as one, they begin to call in old favours. Ships begin to sail between a dozen nations, all sailing beneath the flag of Kalseran, and bringing riches back to the republic. Perhaps it is simply an attempt to recoup the losses of the war, or perhaps the Grand Lady of the Republic, Luisa A'Dera, is looking to wage a new war, a war of coin. The republic knows well how to wage this new war, none more than Luisa herself, and they take to their new task with relish. Ships frequently travel to [b]The Empire of Reria[/b], perhaps looking to capitalise on the bond forged in war, and bring the empire closer to Kalseran's influence, or at leas further away from the encroaching influence of the Western Alliance. Ships also travel to the nations of the Western Alliance, no doubt looking to benefit from the wealth generated by the Vera Engine, but it is not just across Europe that ships of the republic sail. More ships set sail for India, no doubt bringing yet more aid to feed the ambitions of Maria Toleas, but ships also sail west. [color=87CEEB][b]The Empire of Grimhout[/b][/color] and [b]The Kingdom of Kehsi[/b] have been enjoying their dominance of the Americas, but as Kalseran makes the long journey across the Atlantic, that dominance may soon be challenged. [b][u]10th of July[/u][/b] Once again, [color=f26522][b]The Kingdom of Stevata[/b][/color] attempts to create new trade between the east and the west, and once again, the Western Alliance does not commit to the young king's grand ambitions. The leaders of the Western Alliance have left Stevata's halls, travelling to [b]The Principality of Asmont[/b] for the funeral of the late prince, and it is only diplomats that remain to represent the nations of the west. Perhaps these diplomats simply do not hold the authority to discuss trade deals with Stevata, or perhaps they have their orders. Whatever the case, the Western Alliance continues to deny Stevata's dreams of gold flowing across Europe. There are those in Stevata who are quickly growing bitter about this seeming refusal, but there are also those who question the strength of Stevata's position. After all, through the colonies of [color=87CEEB][b]The Empire of Grimhout[/b][/color], [b]The Kingdom of Kehsi[/b] and [b]The Kingdom of Hispalis[/b], the Western Alliance commands huge wealth, while Stevata can make no such claims. Any trade agreements reached between the east and the west would surely benefit the east far more than it ever could the west. Whatever the reality, the bitterness in Stevata only continues to grow as rumours spread that through [b]The Kingdom of Genstadt[/b] and [b]The Kingdom of Dorist[/b], the Western Alliance has reached out to the nations of the north, looking to strengthen relations. The situation is only soured further as Prince Marcian, the younger brother of King Oswald IV, finds his proposal of marriage for Queen Margriet I, leader of Genstadt, blocked at every turn. Queen Margriet is in Aarborn, attending the funeral of Prince William Asmont, when Marcian arrives to try and win her favour with lavish gifts. Perhaps it is the sombre tone of the occasion, or perhaps it is the influence of the Western Alliance at work once again, but Margriet is quick to make it clear that she has no interest in the proposal. The queen's true love, her late husband Kasper, has only been dead for less than a decade, and she is clearly not willing to replace him with a man who is only a few years older than her son. Once again, Oswald's grand ambitions are rebuffed. [b][u]11th of July[/u][/b] Rumours have run rife throughout [color=BA55D3][b]The Republic of Kalseran[/b][/color] since the nation's sudden withdrawal from the war against [color=FFD700][b]The Empire of Khazaria[/b][/color] and it's allies. These largely revolve around the reason for the sudden change of heart from Luisa A'Dera, and it is clear that the Grand Lady of the Republic is not death to the rumours. After all, no-one can rule the many-headed beast of the republic for as long as Luisa has, without having eyes and ears in every shadowy corner. Returning from the feast of [color=f26522][b]The Kingdom of Stevata[/b][/color], Luisa hosts a grand party for all the noble families of the republic, bringing together the true power of the nation. What is discussed in the party itself is a carefully guarded secret, but two rumours do escape, although no doubt even these rumours are carefully cultivated by Luisa and her agents. Luisa shall forever be the Grand Lady of the Republic before she is a queen, and the republic will be hosting a grand Masquerade Ball in the coming spring. What the true meaning behind either of these rumours are, only a handful know for sure, but speculation is rampant all across Europe. [b][u]12th of July[/u][/b] With each day that passes, more and more soldiers of [color=BA55D3][b]The Republic of Kalseran[/b][/color] and [b]The Kingdom of Altenten[/b] are able to return home, the fortified defensive lines that they had been watching over for the past months becoming obsolete as the burgeoning peace emerges between the nations. [color=82ca9d][b]The Kingdom of Paranas[/b][/color] also withdraws it's forces from it's western border, with thousands of fresh soldiers marching south to re-enforce the defensive lines against [color=#018c85][b]The Kingdom of Komentiolos[/b][/color]. Further north, while [color=f26522][b]The Kingdom of Stevata[/b][/color] also redeploys it's soldiers away from Kalseran and Altenten, the garrison along the border with [b]The Kingdom of Dorist[/b]. Tensions between the two nations have still not entirely died away, and this gesture will no doubt be noticed by not only Dorist, but also the Western Alliance. It is through war that Stevata reclaimed the province of Shardvul, and Dorist will not forget the blood that soaked the earth. Despite this growing tension, Stevata is still joining it's allies in turning almost it's full strength towards the solitary figure of [color=#018c85][b]The Kingdom of Komentiolos[/b][/color]. Komentiolos faces a storm, and none can say for sure whether the eastern kingdom can weather it. [b][u]15th of July[/u][/b] The feast of [color=f26522][b]The Kingdom of Stevata[/b][/color] finally draws to a close. In just a matter of weeks, the very balance of Europe has shifted drastically, and in the halls of Ravoza, deals have been struck that could well bring [color=#018c85][b]The Kingdom of Komentiolos[/b][/color] to it's knees. The ships of [color=BA55D3][b]The Republic of Kalseran[/b][/color] and [b]The Empire of Reria[/b] that had for so long dominated the Black Sea, beating back the fleets of [color=FFD700][b]The Empire of Khazaria[/b][/color] and [color=82ca9d][b]The Kingdom of Paranas[/b][/color], allowing the soldiers of Komentiolos ot flood across the narrow straits and secure a foothold in Paranas itself. have returned to their own harbours. With the fleet of Komentiolos still in tatters, the Black Sea is now firmly in the hands of Khazaria and Paranas, and as the balance swings, despite the formidable strength of Komentiolos, even King Nikolaos II cannot hope to defend his nation's vast and virtually undefended coastline. Not only that, but as Kalseran and Reria also withdraw their soldiers form the front line, the Eastern Alliance is now free to focus all of it's resources on Komentiolos itself. Komentiolos commands hundreds of thousands of soldiers, their vast army dominated by the conscripted 'legions', but they stand alone against the strength of Khazaria, Stevata, Paranas and [b]The Kingdom of Teclav[/b]. Throughout it all, the Western Alliance only continues to grow in strength, seizing the oppurtunity of the turmoil to sweep [b]The Kingdom of Dorist[/b] into the fold. The bond between [b]The Kingdom of Fosbak[/b] and [b]The Empire of Stabuga[/b] has also continued to strengthen, at the expense of [b]The Kingdom of Orvag[/b], and many are already dubbing the two sleeping giants as 'The Northern Alliance'. For now, the alliances of the west and the north have remained neutral in the Komentiolos war, but if either one was to become involved in the conflict, it could well swing the balance yet again. [b][u]17th of July[/u][/b] The feast may have reached it's conclusion, but that is not to suggest that King Oswald IV has put his ambitions on hold. In the heart of [color=f26522][b]The Kingdom of Stevata[/b][/color], important discussions are being had, and pieces are carefully being moved into place. Just as with the gathering of nobles in [color=BA55D3][b]The Republic of Kalseran[/b][/color], the contents of these discussions are carefully hidden from curious ears, but even so, rumours continue to run rampant. It is no great secret that King Oswald took the time to meet with Luisa A'Dera in private during the feast in Stevata, and Kalseran's sudden withdrawal from the war of [color=#018c85][b]The Kingdom of Komentiolos[/b][/color] has only poured fuel on the flames of the idea that some deal has been struck between the two leaders. The extent of this deal is still yet to emerge, or indeed evidence of any deal at all, but if Kalseran has not just turned away from Komentiolos, but climbed into bed with the enemy, the repercussions will no doubt echo all across Europe. [b][u]20th of July[/u][/b] As arguably the most crucial force behind it's creation, [color=87CEEB][b]The Empire of Grimhout[/b][/color] stands as the de-facto leader of the Western Alliance, and with marriages now binding his family to the royalty of both [b]The Principality of Asmont[/b] and [b]The Kingdom of Arhan[/b], Arch-Duke Jean-Baptise Dervau stands in an undeniably powerful position. And yet despite the wealth flowing into Grimhout, power breeds envy, and the empire is no exception. It is impossible to ignore the overwhelming strength that the Western Alliance can call upon, and there are several noble families of Grimhout that believe that that strength should be put to use. Jean-Baptiste has united the Western Alliance with talk of peace and brotherhood, but there are still those who think that this power should be used to carve Grimhout's name into history. If the Western Alliance moved towards war, it could threaten to sweep east, overwhelming the other nations of Europe through sheer military might. For now, the Arch-Duke maintains his control over the empire, and these calls for war only come from the more extreme nobles, but greed is in the heart of every man, and Jean-Baptiste will have to ensure that the rot is not allowed to spread, if it is indeed peace that he champions. [b][u]21st of July[/u][/b] The game of cat and mouse in the mountains of the north between Nader ud-Daula and Raja Ali has ground on for weeks, and despite the unrelenting numbers of [b]The Viswan Empire[/b], Nader ud-Daula has managed to hold off his enemy through tactical brilliance, and raw ferociousness. The bulk of Viswan's are little more than conscripts, raised from the local populace when they are needed. They are ill-paid and ill-equipped, lacking discipline and equipped with whatever weapons they could get their hands on. In the face of the wild northern soldiers that serve under Nader ud-Daula, they are more than likely to break in terror before Raja Ali can attempt to organise a counter-attack. The legend of Nader ud-Daula himself continues to grow, to the point where his mere name is enough to break some men, and Raja Ali has grown tired of the game he is being forced to play. With every day that passes, more men march to join his army, and despite the losses suffered in the face of Nader ud-Daula's ferocious raids, the Viswan Empire now boasts a vast army. As dawn breaks, Raja Ali orders his army into the mountains. Nader ud-Daula is quick to react, believing the move to simply be another probing offensive, and yet when he charges down the mountainside at the head of his own troops, he quickly realises that it is the full strength of the Viswan Empire that faces him. Despite all of the northern king's brilliance, his hit-and-run raids barely even slow the advance of this vast army, and it quickly becomes clear what Raja Ali intends. The walled city of Taleagon lies deep in the mountains, standing as the seat of power for Nader ud-Daula's kingdom, and it is towards this city that Raja Ali is directing his unrelenting advance. Thousands upon thousands of Viswan soldiers die in the mountains, but the advance does not falter, and Nader ud-Daula finally acknowledges his own weakness. Despite all of his brilliance, he cannot hope to slay this beast alone. Riders are sent with all haste to the west, and Nader ud-Daula swears fealty to the banished prince Shah Jafar, and crying out for Mir Khan to march his own army to the defence of Taleagon. This message also reaches the colony of [color=87CEEB][b]The Empire of Grimhout[/b][/color], and it is quickly becoming clear that the war has only just begun. [b][u]22nd of July[/u][/b] Even as the conflict in India continues to rage, the ships of Europe that have been dispatched to bring vital aid to the colonies in the east reach the trading post of [b]The Kingdom of Hispalis[/b]. The long voyage around the tip of Africa is an arduous one, but it is the only passage to reach India, and the position that Hispalis has claimed as it's own is a crucial point of resupply. The ships of [color=87CEEB][b]The Empire of Grimhout[/b][/color] and [b]The Kingdom of Kehsi[/b] pass through without incident, taking on fresh supplies and continuing on their way, but for the ships of [color=BA55D3][b]The Republic of Kalseran[/b][/color] there is an issue. There is nothing necessarily malicious about the string of delays, supplies being misplaced, helmsman returning from shore leave blind drunk, but whatever the cause, the ships of Kalseran are delayed by almost a week, and when they do finally weigh anchor, the ships of Grimhout and Kehsi are long gone, and will arrive into India days before the ships of Kalseran. [b][u]24th of July[/u][/b] The Western Alliance has already effectively welcomed [b]The Kingdom of Dorist[/b] into their ranks, further swelling their already significant strength, but that is clearly not the end of their ambition. It was the careful negotiation of the tensions between [b]The Kingdom of Arhan[/b] and [b]The Empire of Reria[/b] that served as one of the founding events of the alliance, and since an uneasy peace has settled, relations between the two neighbours have continued to grow. These relations have carefully been cultivated by the other members of the Western Alliance, and as northern Africa continues to resemble a powder keg, it is only through the careful intervention of [b]The Kingdom of Hispalis[/b] that Reria has been able to maintain it's tenuous foothold across the Mediterranean. These growing relations were clearly not missed by [color=BA55D3][b]The Republic of Kalseran[/b][/color], and as trade ships continue to sail between the empire and the republic, it is becoming increasingly clear that Reria is caught in the middle of a war of influence. Kalseran is bound to Reria through marriage, and the two nations have waged war together in the Black Sea, but even Emperor Clarenzio III cannot ignore the wealth that the Western Alliance can boast. Reria holds an important position, positioned as they are in such a way that they could control the Mediterranean itself, and it is not surprising that they are a prize to be courted. Whichever way the Emperor leans, the repercussions from the spurned could bring ruin, and the tensions between [color=87CEEB][b]The Empire of Grimhout[/b][/color] and Kalseran from the war in India are only continuing to grow as this war of influence continues. [b][u]26th of July[/u][/b] The newly crowned King Alexandru I does not waste any time in stamping his mark on his new nation. Perhaps more than any other king, Alexandru truly understands the inner workings of the army under his command, having served in the armies of [color=82ca9d][b]The Kingdom of Paranas[/b][/color] before his sudden rise to power, and the last few years have proven that despite the lauding of civilisation in Europe, war is still an un-caged beast at the heart of every man. Despite the heavily defended lines that criss-cross the province of Kavatsona, Paranas still holds several thousand soldiers in reserve in and around the capital of Alirgos, and it is with these men that Alexandru begins to carve his image of a 'New Model Army'. For now, this translates into more rigorous training, attempting to breed more discipline into the men that are to fight beneath the flag of Paranas, but Alexandru clearly has grand ambitions, and this seems to be simply the beginning of a far wider-reaching revolution. A handful of men drawn from the guard regiments that still garrison the southern defences add some quality to these new regiments, but it is the man that takes the helm that is the true driving force. General Makis Anastas has seen the brutal and chaotic face of war, and he quickly crushes any romantic ideals that these soldiers may have, instead drilling them with extreme discipline, running them ragged, pushing them until they fall to the ground and can go no further. These soldiers may gain steel from the bastard that drives them onwards, but that does not they hold any love for the man. [b][u]28th of July[/u][/b] When word reaches Baptiste Crevier of Nader ud-Daula's desperate call for aid, the man of [color=87CEEB][b]The Empire of Grimhout[/b][/color] does not hesitate. Baptiste realises that supporting the banished Shah Jafar may be a dangerous stance to take, but if he is successful in returning the prince to his rightful throne, then a grateful Emperor would be worth any risk. The soldier of fortune Heinrich Rosengart has had weeks to drill Grimhout's sepahi regiments into a fighting force, and it is time to blood these new soldiers. Honouring his pledge to Mir Khan and the usurped Prince Shah Jafar, Baptiste orders Heinrich to march to war, the three regiments of sepahi joining with the grand host that Mir Khan has gathered to march west and join with the forces of the northern king. In the far west of the sub-continent, Maria Toleas continues to show no such commitment. For now, Emperor Shah Mal still considers himself to have the upper hand, and he is still wary to give the European woman too much power, but this situation suits the silver-tongued Maria well. While the Emperor focuses his attention to the north, Maria continues to strengthen her own influence in the south. Although there are still those who watch on warily, particularly in [color=BA55D3][b]The Republic of Kalseran[/b][/color] itself, asking the inevitable question of whether these southern princes are pledging their fealty to the republic, or to Maria herself. It takes months for any news to travel between Europe and India, and although extravagant goods and coin continue to make the long voyage east, there are few who do not believe that it is Maria who rules in India, not the republic. [b][u]29th of July[/u][/b] Even as they expand their borders to the south, [color=#018c85][b]The Kingdom of Komentiolos[/b][/color] does not neglect the territory that it already holds. King Nikolaos II himself tours his nation, accompanied by a cohort of royal surveyors and engineers, and it is not long before they are put to work. Much of Komentiolos is made up of rugged land, and if it is on this land that Komentiolos is to make it's stand, then the land should serve as the first line of defence. The mountain passes of the north and east are quickly turned into choke-points, and a series of fortifications are constructed all along the northern coastline of the kingdom, intended to negate the strength of any force that might look to invade Komentiolos from across the water. It is quickly becoming clear that while Komentiolos may be the driving force behind the war continuing, if the Eastern Alliance wishes to bring it to a close, then they will have to throw themselves against the formidable defences of Komentiolos. And it is not only to the east that Komentiolos is strengthening it's defences. The same straits that Komentiolos crossed to shatter the defences of [color=82ca9d][b]The Kingdom of Paranas[/b][/color] now stands as perhaps the weakest point of Komentiolos. As the last ships of [b]The Empire of Reria[/b] and [color=BA55D3][b]The Republic of Kalseran[/b][/color] leave the Black Sea, the fleet of Komentiolos cannot hope to defend the supply ships that are constantly sailing between the provinces of Kavatsona and Bithynia, bringing crucial supplies to the vast army that Komentiolos has defending it's foothold in Paranas. With that in mind, work is quickly started to further fortify the ancient fortresses that overlook the vital straits, and in the heart of Komentiolos, the forges are stoked to create vast chains, intended to be dragged across the straits themselves. These defences will take time, and there are those within Komentiolos who fear that they may be tested long before they are ready, but time is the one commodity that King Nikolaos cannot command, and he must simply press on. [b][u]31st of July[/u][/b] As fate would have it, the defences of the straits are tested long before any of the new fortifications can be completed. Two third-rate ships of the line, sailing beneath the flag of [color=82ca9d][b]The Kingdom of Paranas[/b][/color], travel south, and pass into the Bosporus. [color=#018c85][b]The Kingdom of Komentiolos[/b][/color] can muster no ships to meet them, but assuming that the straits are undefended would be a grave error. The Bosporus has been the lifeblood of countless empires, it's importance and strategic value dating back centuries, and it's shores are littered with the ruins of fortresses from a dozen forgotten eras. Yet it is not only ruins that litter the shoreline of the straits, and as these two ships of Paranas sail into the strait, the all too familiar roar of cannon-fire echoes out across the Black Sea once more. The first of the two ships is cautious enough to turn about with all haste, but the second is not so quick. The first shot catches it near the bow, splintering the hull and effectively crippling it, as fire starts to spread across the deck. The second and third shot condemn the ship, even as the captain desperately tries to bring it about, and escape the range of the two fortresses that flank the strait. As the survivors desperately scramble for the shore, the other ship sails homewards with a grim message of warning. And yet even as Paranas is bloodied, the fleet of [color=FFD700][b]The Empire of Khazaria[/b][/color] is readying to sail to war, although how they intend to test the defences of Komentiolos, only the young Şahin Macar knows for sure.