With the expected resistance from Layth over with for the time being, Penelope trotted off to locate her friends before it got too late in the evening. The barons’ reactions to her proposal hadn’t gone over well and she wanted to use the majority of the night to plan out how she would convince them at the next meeting. With even Mia on the fence about her idea, the lieutenant knew it likely wouldn’t be easy but she was determined to try for the sake of both ending the war peacefully as well as the outer villages. If her battalion was able to only be on defense then there would be fewer battles and if they kept the Younisians from advancing, it would give the nearby villages a small break from all the warfare. The female knight let out a small sigh at the thought of the villagers that were suffering at the hands of a war that was completely out of their control. “Uh oh, looks like someone’s down. Edward and Layth responded that badly, huh?” came a low whistle of sympathy. Coming out of her thoughts, Penelope lifted her gaze to see Olivia stand by Gavin with her eyebrow raised in question as she studied her friend’s face. Gavin also eyed her with similar concern, likely assuming the worst based on the initial reactions he had seen during their meeting. It made the lieutenant flash a reassuring smirk. “Not at all! In fact, Edward congratulated me on my courtship.” Penelope informed them with amusement lighting her visage. “Turns out his need to secure power for the family outweighs his need to send Crow to the gallows.” “Well that’s quite a turn around.” Olivia snickered. “Who would have thought Edward of all people would make things easy.” Gavin gave a curt nod of agreement before his gaze wandered back over to Penelope. “And what about Layth? Is he following your uncle’s lead on this?” The lieutenant’s amusement faded. “I wish my brother would make things so simple but unfortunately, he’s still out for blood. He was less than thrilled and I suspect he’ll continue to be that way regardless of what anyone else says or does.” she admitted with a small shrug. “At least he can’t do anything about it. Now come on, let’s go grab some supper. I’m starving!” Olivia smiled before quickly turning on her feet to lead the small group off towards the dining area. With the other two both ready for a meal as well, Penelope fell in behind her friend as she strode besides Gavin. A brief silence fell over the group as they focused on getting their meals. Once they retrieved their plates, they made their way over to one of the small fire pits. The weather was still chilly and having spent most of her recent late evenings in either the castle or inns, Penelope found herself a little less prepared for handling the cold out on the warfront. As she settled down in front of the fire with the others a long sigh of satisfaction escaped her. The dancing flames were strong despite not being particularly large and easily heated the surrounding area. It was an excellent opposite to the crisp evening breeze. “So… I’m rising in rank.” Gavin announced unceremoniously as he poked at his food. “Bennet’s been looking for a lieutenant for sometime now and decided on me after seeing how I performed during your time away, Penelope.” Penelope blinked in surprise at the news and smiled at her friend. “Gavin that’s great! I suppose I’ll be seeing you in the tent from now on then, right?” “I believe so.” The male knight nodded. “Well, well lose a courtship, gain a rank, congratulations.” Olivia grinned. Gavin shot her an annoyed look and gave a soft snort. “Yes, I wouldn’t want to be a low ranking guard for the rest of my career.” “It’s a lifestyle few can understand.” Olivia shrugged. Penelope took a bite from her food and eyed Olivia with a hint of curiosity. “You’re not going to try and move up?” “Why would I? Climbing the career tree would just mean taking on more responsibility.” Olivia smirked. “Besides, I have plans to reap the benefits of being higher up without the work.” Gavin rolled his eyes and eyed Olivia with a look of doubt. “Oh really? And exactly what is your plan?” “Become good friends with all the high ranking nobles of course!” the female knight snickered and threw an arm around Penelope’s shoulders. “I’ve already got a princess, viceroy and the soon to be wife of the viceroy on my side. I suppose I could squeeze in room for another lieutenant though.” Penelope gave a small laugh as she watched the exchange between the two and shook her head at Olivia’s antics. The trio continued to enjoy their meal together, talking idly as the evening went on. Eventually, Penelope finished up her meal and parted from her friends to retire to her tent. Stepping through the flap, she stretched her arms and took off her armor as she prepared to settle in for the night. Her first day back on the warfront hadn’t been completely terrible but the rocky part of the day still wore on the knight’s mind. Namely the poor reaction to her suggestion to only act defensively. The lieutenant let out a troubled sigh as she flopped down onto her mat. The barons had plans for another battle coming up rather soon which left her with very little time to prepare. I have to convince them tomorrow…she thought with a small frown. Feeling the still cold of the winter night beginning to nip at her, she turned over to bundle herself up in her blanket. As she warmed up, Penelope continued to dwell on the thought of what she needed to say in order to convince the barons but was slowly lulled to sleep by the coziness that came from fending off the cold. Before long, she had fallen into a rather deep sleep, one laced with wild dreams caused by her stressed mind.