[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=6ecff6]Sophia Harris[/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/7KEB3Qf.png[/img] [i]Location: Water Processing Center -> Sector Two Group Containment (pipes) Skills: N/A[/i][/center] [hr][hr] [color=6ecff6]"I'm not patronizing you Zari, it's smarter to at least have someone backing you up rather than doing things solo. We all should stick together, it's better to have the numbers in case there is someone hostile here."[/color] Sophia whispered back towards Zari, hoping that it would at least get Zari to trust her. When she turned her head slightly and looked up seeing Raynor coming down onto the ladder as well, and nodded towards him. She adjusted her grip on the ladder slightly as tried to make sure that she wouldnt tire herself out by holding herself onto the ladder when she heard Zari calling out to someone. Then a few seconds later she heard a woman's voice coming through the grate itself, she remained quiet for the most part and looked down at Zari it was her show really now at this point as well. Sophia turned her head up slightly hearing Cal's voice calling out to them, she didnt really have a reason to trust her, but Zari really hated her. She already knew what was going on with the others interrogating Y2K who Vinnie had dubbed and hoped that they would get some kind of information on whats actually going on this ship. [color=6ecff6]"No there is someone else on the other end, just stay quiet."[/color] Sophia told Cal, as she waited to see what was going to happen next.