[center][img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200810/b8cf9af137082290e4ad921b25b461fc.png [/img] [hr][/center] It took her a few seconds to notice, what Nathaniel gave to her was a Subway sandwich, after the hug. Hailey had a smile on her face, which was to the fact she enjoyed Subway, every now and then. Even though, her eating habits have been erratic lately mostly because of certain factors. [color=B7A74A]”T-Thank you for the Subway Sandwich, Nath. I really do like Subway sometimes.”[/color] Hailey said, with a smile. She enjoyed every single bite of the sandwich, it was definitely nice. It helped her out slightly even though something felt like it was missing or some such. This made her get reminded of one of her father’s sayings, [i]‘anything is better than nothing.’[/i] After the sandwich, she remembered she needed to continue finishing the laps for the coach, which she still had three to finish. She finally got back to jogging on the fourth lap, since it would be better to not disappoint anyone including the Coach. Hailey heard a familiar voice, which is Coach Cinter’s voice that was talking directly with her. She couldn’t help but smile at the what he said specifically. [color=B7A74A]”U-Uhh… Thank you Coach Cinter. I will definitely pay attention and participate a little bit. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.”[/color] Hailey said, with a look of hopefulness. She was grateful the coach was looking out for her, much better than the alternative. She continued on her way to finish up the laps for today, which she finally did finish the fourth jogging lap. Now what was left is the two full sprinting laps, which were a bit of a pain but its always better to get in exercise. [color=B7A74A][i]”I shouldn’t try to jinx myself… I don’t know what that Dread would do… or don’t even know what my NA does...”[/i][/color] Hailey thought to herself, with a slight nervousness in her body language. She stayed focused on what she was doing, however, in the back of her mind. It was the fact she took note of Henry inviting people to dinner, which was a definitely thoughtful idea. She had a smile on her face while sprinting. A while she was sprinting she heard something else, which made her sigh deeply with regret. However, the person in question that was talked about, Virgil was an utter dickhead. It didn’t help that she wanted to harm a fellow student in their classroom just because he joined forces with Virgil’s group of assholes. This made her remember her time in a group of individuals that were expressionlessly toxic towards her. The Clique she was apart of in her previous school before going here. It felt exactly like what she felt in her previous school alone, afraid and on the edge of a cliff wanting it to all end. However, her parents helped her out of that edge. It was a good thing she was finally done with her final lap to speak to Cynthia. [color=B7A74A]”U-Umm… C-Cynthia it wouldn’t be… a good idea to take out your hate on Vane… when it should be focused on the snake Virgil and his goons. V-Vane just wants to get stronger, I think?”[/color] Hailey questioned, with a slight nervousness to her voice. It’s mostly because she knows specifically how it feels being apart of a group of people who are just using people. The biggest problem is to let your judgment be clouded by specific people’s actions or words. However, on the other hand, Virgil deserves all the hate that Cynthia is saying but Vane doesn’t. It is against her nature to blame others for their failings when she blames herself for being used by that all girl’s clique in her previous school. She hoped what she said to Cynthia would get through to her. It is not good to punish people for other’s actions. However, she was hopeful to keep her eye on all the other stuff going on in PE. The Coach’s lessons are always fun to see anyways. However, she decided to sit down for a bit since it was definitely correct the Dread did take something out of her. She had a smile on her face, even with all the stuff that’s going on. Even though, bringing back up the past really hurts since those memories hurt much more than anything else. Its definitely in her body language, she’s a bit scared of something else rather than the [i]Dread[/i] that never leaves. [color=B7A74A][i]”W-Why do I have to remember all these bad memories? A-About the previous school and how everyone treated me...”[/i][/color] Hailey said, quietly hoping no one would notice her beating herself up. She had her left hand on her forehead since she was agitated a bit and didn’t feel like in the right state of mind. All because of what Cynthia had said by saying that Vane was a traitor to the other classmates. However, she remembered specifically something that Henry was doing about dinner after school. It would be very thoughtful if Henry did invite her since she needs something to help her forget all these awful memories. She needs for once in her life a good night sleep, which is always exhausting to think about. In that case, she waited for Henry to ask her about the Dinner Invitation, even though she was a bit embarrassed. She was remembering what her mother had said about giving a boy her cellphone number, however. Its mostly that part of the reason she was embarrassed her mother usually did that to her a lot. It was cute and all but slightly annoying. [color=B7A74A][i]”P-Please stop teasing me, mommy…”[/i][/color] Hailey thought to herself, remembering what she said to her mother Caroline. It still feels like it was yesterday. However, she did memorize her cellphone number perfectly, which is nice in her head. [sub][@Letter Bee][@BigPapaBelial][@The Man Emperor][/sub]