[center][h1][color=92278f]Aurel[/color] [b]//[/b] [color=00a99d]Hiroki[/color] [b]//[/b] [color=0072bc]Hibiki[/color][/h1][/center][hr][color=gray][b]Location::[/b] Mess Hall (Aurel), Dock (Hiroki), Cabins (Hibiki) [b]Aurels Interactions::[/b] Ginshi, Taya ([@Ammokkx]) [b]Hisakawas Interactions::[/b] N/A [b]Matsuos Interactions::[/b] Flare ([@addamas]), Momoe[/color][hr][right][i]Hibiki's Perspective[/i][/right] As much as Hibiki wanted to sleep like a baby, his dreams were plagued with that same gruesome scene with the aftermath set onto replay. Sure, he managed to handle it well in the courtroom, but when left to his lonesome, he couldn't stop seeing it all happen. It lead him to waking up much earlier than anticipated, causing him to stare up at the roof of this cabin for god knows how long. The world was much more blurrier than usual, though the fact that he wasn't wearing glasses probably didn't help out with that too much as he decided to close his eyes and reflect on the events that had happened. [color=0072bc][i]"What exactly did Flare want to talk about with those two anyways,"[/i][/color] that was something that remained on his mind as he just lied on his mattress, running through the scenarios, before opening his eyes as the monitor in the cabin flickered and fizzled to life. Hibiki didn't even bother staring at the monochromatic bear as he made his announcement. Scooting off the bed, the young man stretched and stifled a yawn or a brief moment as he grabbed his glasses and began wiping them off with his shirt before getting dressed and ready for the day. As much as he didn't want to stick his nose where it didn't belong, he felt there was some necessity to it all due to some conflicting personalities. Setting out, Hibiki wasted no time in seeking Flare out, only to notice that the Smuggler was waiting right by the blonde girls cabin door. He didn't bother making himself scarce as he rested himself against one of the cabins nearby, keeping a soft smile plastered on his face as he patiently waited for the opportunity to enter the conversation. [hr][right][i]Hiroki's Perspective[/i][/right] Silence. The docks were eerily quiet this early in the morning as Hiroki sat near the waters edge, letting his feet rest in the cold depths. Sometimes he would swing his foot and let out a small splash of water, focusing intensely on the ripples that were made as a result. His head sunk and he groaned. Despite his seemingly relaxed posture, there was a stringent worry that permanently enraptured him as he stared at the lake, glancing over at each and every other dock. [color=00a99d][i]"I wonder if there are other people like us across the lake,"[/i][/color] he pondered. Suddenly he kicked up a huge wave of water, letting it all splash down in a torrent of rain, spreading myriads of ripples across the lake, each small wave coming into contact with one another before vanishing. Hiroki couldn't help but shake his head and recline before staring up into the pale blue sky. Maybe there were, maybe there weren't. It didn't feel comforting to think that there were other people that this bear was quite possibly torturing as well. And if there were a collection of students like him, it made him think even further, if they had gone through that same class trial. The thought made him shiver for a brief moment as he glanced back at the cabins before sitting straight up, wondering if he should go to check on Ayu. Then, his thoughts came back to how he acted at the end of it all, shouting at Shirou. The student bit his lip. She didn't need to deal with this right now, plus he did still hold some resentment towards the so called "Hero" for his actions. Who did he think he was? Sitting back up, he just sat there by his lonesome, continuously thinking about the trials and tribulations they would all have to possibly endure as he drifted onto another lingering thought of someone he once knew. Hopefully they were doing better than the rest of this motley group. And then, another kick. [hr][right][i]Aurel's Perspective[/i][/right] [color=92278f]"The cups are over there,"[/color] a third voice interjected in-between the duo, possibly startling at least one of them as the thief suddenly appeared out of thin air, pointing directly at one of the unopened cabinets before returning to whatever task he was working on. From the looks of it, he seemed to be have a carton of eggs resting in his arms as he brought it to his part of the counter, which seemed stacked with a couple of miscellaneous items ranging from frozen sausages to pancake mix. Gently placing them down, he grunted and crouched down, sifting through certain cabinets before retrieving a whisk, bowl, and other utensils before placing them on the side. Despite the atmosphere of the situation, Aurel remained deadly silent as he went about preparing the meal, mixing eggs, milk, pancake mix, and other components in the bowl as he ponder on what might occur during the rest of their time trapped here. As he beat away and blended the materials together, his thoughts instantly went over to Snow and Ryuma as he paused for a brief moment, letting the whisk rest in the mix for a brief while. The thief's shoulders drooped as he sighed, staring at the pancake batter as he began to ruminate on the duo's actions and words. Snow was lashing out at everything and rebuffing his statements, and Ryuma had just crumbled and caved in to the hopelessness of the situation. He was worried about them a lot as he began mindlessly stirring, blankly staring at the batter before perking up. [color=92278f]"Sorry if this breakfast is different than what you're used to,"[/color] Aurel murmured to the two as he made sure the batter was well beaten with no thick lumps before pouring it into the measuring cup. Getting a light bit of butter, he sliced a thin portion of it and placed it into the pan and rolled it around. Following that up, he began to pour some of the batter in and just let it cook. Aurel sighed, he missed his mom's pancakes. As his shoulders sunk, his mind drifted back to the other campers as he pondered on how they were all handling the situation. To him, it seemed like Taya and Ginshi had everything settled. What was going to happen going forward from here?