Still leaning on Nobunaga's shoulder for support, Misaki slowly continued onward with the others to leave the area. Of course, the first thing that caught her attention was the massive stone colossus that seemed more fitting in a video game or anime than it did any sort of reality. The sight alone had left her without breath, and it was only after a brief pause that it seemed to click that this was the sort of 'guardian' that had been referred to by that goddess in the first place. Of course, actually [i]fighting[/i] it was tantamount to suicide, and it seemed that the other two were well aware of that fact as well. Running away was the only prudent option, but with her still trying to get a hold of her senses and the giant on the apparent hunt for them... Well, it was obvious that a swift course of action was necessary. Nobunaga's own assertion to keep moving, however reasonable, did not sit well with Misaki, though. Until she recovered, their slowed speed would make them prime targets to be swatted into the ground should they be sighted, and given how open the area was... Honestly, it didn't hurt to suggest otherwise; their time, however short, seemed to afford them at least a moment to weigh their options. "...That may be so, but that area being untouched could also provide us with some time to regroup. If there is something more fearsome deeper within, we could just as well hang around the outskirts of that formation, could we not?" She would go along with whatever the others decided upon, of course, but even a little time to reassess the situation could help everyone present... Or, well, so she hoped. [@VitaVitaAR][@Crimson Paladin][@Rune_Alchemist]