[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191220/a6c150240d48a4c0abc89362cb7392f7.png[/img][/center] [center] Winton, in the Inn with Denvar[/center] Dareen listened intently to the storied backround of Denvar, trying to make sense of it. It all sounded very complicated to her. Bloodlines and aristocratic families, shame and pride. She had never been acquainted with somebody who took these things seriously, or had had them affect their life. To the people she called family such things were considered trivial, unimportant. To be honest, she still felt that way. It certainly hadn't made Denvar's life any easier, the expectations laid before him and his family. With a final curse to his arrogant father, Denvar sat aside his drink and Dareen returned to hers. [color=c4df9b]"[i]Whuf[/i]...didn't mean to bring down the mood, Denvar."[/color] She said with another small sip, slowly chipping away at her alcohol. She considered where he had come from to where he was now. Him and his closest friend and brothers on a quest to...whatever the goal of their little group was. [color=c4df9b]"Families can be tough."[/color] She was silent for a moment before picking her nearly empty shot glass between her fore fingers. [color=c4df9b]"To the subversives?"[/color] Dareen raised her glass to Denvar in a tentative, not entirely serious toast indicated by a small smile on her face.