[hr][color=4EDDCF][sup][h1] [center][img] https://gifimage.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/blue-aesthetic-tumblr-gif.gif[/img][/center] [b][center] [color=black] 𝓚𝓨𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓐 [/color][/center][/b] [b][center]𝓚𝓨𝓞𝓤𝓝𝓐[/center][/b] [/h1][/sup][/color][indent][sub][COLOR=4EDDCF][I]SI WONG CITY[/I][/COLOR][/sub][/indent][indent][sup][right][COLOR=4EDDCF][b]Location:[/b] Tea & La[/color][/right][/sup][/indent][hr] [color=4EDDCF]”Not if I have anything to say about it.”[/color], she said gently to Jemmu, trying to calm his worries before focusing her attention back on their guest. She listened to him carefully, not surprised that his back was the biggest problem seeing as it had taken the brunt force of the shop wall. It wasn’t going to be easy to help that along in the healing and was probably not going to be a pleasant experience. She knew she could handle stitching him back together but it was going to be a lot worse before it got better. Kyouna nodded softly, thanking Jemmu for the water as she scooted it a bit closer. [color=4EDDCF]”Don’t worry, Siyu. I will have you back on your feet in no time.”[/color], she replied with a soft smile, trying to keep him calm. Kyouna was about to warn him about the unpleasantness he might feel before getting started when a new guest entered her shop. She turned her attention to the man that entered, feeling a chill run down her spine at the look on his face. The aura he exuded made her on edge and leery of what he could do since she had a child as well as someone in a vulnerable state that would need her if anything went sideways. He was not someone she felt comfortable having in her company but it was best to play it safe for now and not make a move. Her turquoise eyes darted between Jemmu and the man she now knew as Hiro, wondering exactly what their connection was. She didn’t like the tone of the boy’s voice and the question made her worry about why he was here now. Kyouna kept her expression neutral even though she was annoyed by Hiro’s mocking smile and lack of manners at answering a simple question. She didn’t want his attention on her but unfortunately, she had it anyway. Kyouna listened to his words, giving a small bow of her head to show some respect as he had shown her but moved herself in front of Siyu as to block the disdainful gaze that Hiro shot. If she could keep herself as a shield or keep his focus on her that would be better for all of them. [color=4EDDCF]”Thank you for your kind words. I will take your generous offer into consideration but this place has special meaning to me and I am not sure I could part with it. A lot of love and care went into this shop.”[/color], she answered politely, not moving her eyes from him. A frown graced her features as he approached Jemmu, fearing that something might happen but stuck where she was since Hiro had not made a move to harm anyone which meant she had no right to attack. She didn’t like how he treated the boy that had been placed under her care for now. Why was he even here when Jemmu’s parents had worked out a deal with her? It felt like this had been the plan all along and giving someone hope to rip it away didn’t seem right or fair. Kyouna stood, making sure to keep herself between Hiro and Siyu as she spoke, making sure she was ready if this turned ugly. [color=4EDDCF]”Excuse me, but does he really have to go? As you can see, my shop is in quite the disrepair and it would be helpful to have another set of hands to help out for the day. I would also feel more comfortable hearing from his parents if Jemmu will continue serving out his punishment here or not. We both understand the actions he took and the mistake he has made but he has been working quite diligently here to absolve himself of those past actions. I wish for him to remain here to learn that lesson if that would be acceptable.”[/color]