[center][color=92278f][center][h3]Victor Astorio[/h3][/center][/color][/center] The trip back to the dorm was quiet, a little tension combined with what Victor assumed was exhaustion kept it that way. The count was otherwise focused on cleaning his feet and putting his shoes back on through the short trip home. Salem was quick to exit the vehicle and head inside as well. With a sigh he thanked the driver and got up out of the car. His demeanor turned almost annoyed but figured he might as well see what was bothering his mage. Entering the home and closing the door the large vampire took off his shoes and his dirty shirt, placing it by his door. The sounds from the kitchen sounded rather irritated he wasn’t quite sure how someone cutting on a cutting board could sound irritated but he figured it would be best to try and understand his mage and the mood swings humans were prone too. Entering the kitchen he could see Salem chopping up what looked like bark, the boy always had to have some tea after activities such as these. [i]“Better than drowning himself in alcohol.”[/i] Victor thought. Salem began to speak while the count was pouring himself a small glass of blood from the fridge. The count took a drink while his mage continued his questions. Clearly he was upset following the events of the evening. Patiently Victor waited for Salem to finish as he leaned against the opposite counter with his arms crossed. [color=92278f]“Hmm so how about we start with the plant mage. I have only heard of Edmond? Edward? Whatever his name is, in passing. I personally have never seen him fight only heard about it. At any rate, you charged off far too quickly for me to relay any useful information to you in the first place. So in short I didn’t expect anything until after I saw that vampire try to strike you.”[/color] Picking up the glass again, swirling the blood and thinking of how to continue. [color=92278f]“As for the first trial, I don’t think I’ve made this clear to you as to what exactly my job on the council requires of me.”[/color] Taking another drink the count sat the drink down and continued. [color=92278f]“I am a head hunter that specializes in live capture of individuals that break council or treaty laws. That much I’m sure I have told you but what I failed to mention is that if the target or their cohorts are too dangerous and I am unable to take them alive… then I have the authority to... terminate the target. But that’s a last resort option.”[/color] Stepping away from the counter to stand behind Salem waiting for him to turn and look at him before continuing. [color=92278f]“I cannot tell you everything, for some of the secrets I carry are better left secrets. That’s why I warn any mental mages around me to not poke or prod my mind, some secrets could very well make those who know it disappear.”[/color] Victor still did not move he had a point to make as he towered over his mage. [color=92278f]“I cannot tell you who they were, I cannot tell you where, when, or why. However, I can tell you that currently I have killed three humans, four mages, and five hmmm… six vampires.”[/color] He wasn’t entirely sure what point he was making but he was going to make it. [color=92278f]“As for Sarah? Let’s just say where Astorio’s are generally traditionalists. You can say that my clan, the Strigois clan, is ultra-traditionalist.”[/color] Victor’s muscles began to flex and his jaw tightened, [color=92278f]“I killed Sarah because I loved her and my father wouldn’t stand for it. That is why I push for you to have extra etiquette classes… So there’s your secret for today and it best be kept that way.”[/color] Turning from him and returning to the glass of blood Victor downed the rest of it and smashed the plastic cup on the counter. It wasn’t as dramatic as glass but it sufficed for his burst of anger. [@Trainerblue192]