Big Red's ear flicked back when Archer Girl spoke up, she was perfectly fine despite having to get into a melee scuffle. That little bit had always baffled him when it came to long range, they normally didn't do well in melee. Why train in one specific way and deny yourself protection when your original way was taken away? Meh, thoughts and questions for later on. As they started moving again Archer Girl spoke up about potential traps ahead. They had already encountered one, more did seem plausible. He did halt when he took note that Druid Girl was looking for something on the dead young man. Looting a corpse? Doubtful, she found his Tag. With that task done they were able to proceed further into the caves. It was a pretty straight forward cave thankfully, nothing too big and windy. The fairy had gone on ahead to reveal what it could, and what Druid Girl said couldn't be far off. There shouldn't be many goblins left. Five at the entrance, another five in the cave, and however many the previous group had taken out. Although a distinct lack of blood splatters around was confusing to him. The goblins clearly weren't about cleanliness. Despite the uneven ground he moved well through it. He wasn't a foot dragger and his feet spread out for better grippage on the ground with each step. As they entered the next room his eyes went all over. It was larger, it was ovular, there was hay everywhere, and there weren't any goblins that they could see. The hay on the ground was decently thick, and the fairy traveling the walls revealed no openings or crags. Druid Girl spoke up questioning where the goblins were. [color=red]"Light another torch, check the walls. Move the hay as well just in case they have a fire trap. This dry stuff will spread fire like crazy."[/color] He said, a lantern would be really preferred right now. But a spark from a torch wouldn't light this stuff up, it was to weak of a starter. Without missing a beat he moved further into the room, actually using the dead goblins in hand to sweep the hay away from himself and to fully reveal the ground underfoot. For the most part, goblins didn't make for good brooms.