[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nn5VWsV.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/XRra6ku.png[/img] [b][code]From Tampa to Miami.[/code][/b][hr][/center] [quote=Grace]"[color=#FF5757]Oh! You mean Quinn? Did everyone think that? Oh no no no! We're just friends, gosh I can't believe everyone thought that! But yes, I would love to hit the club![/color]"[/quote] As Grace talked, Madison cracked a bigger and bigger smile. Before she just couldn't contain it anymore and broke out laughing. Not because she didn't [i]necessarily[/i] think Grace was lying, but the way she was speaking was not very convincing. In Madison's eyes, maybe they weren't an item but probably having sex or at the very least attracted to each other. Not that Madison thought that was a bad thing in any way... she was used to the Coven's weird freaky lesbian ways. "Sorry sis, but the first thing that came to mind when you poured your heart out for Quinn, the first thing I thought was," Madison faced forward as she raised her fingertips off the wheel and kept her palms off it and her questions went open. "'Quinn must be fuckin' her real good'... because, no offense, that's what it sounds like!" Maybe that wasn't the most appropriate thing to talk about, but Madison, due to her background as a stripper, was kind of used to these weird and inappropriate conversations. Though, thinking about her sisters that bastard Blake sacrificed made her blood boil. They made sure to get vengeance for them and get [i]something[/i] out of Blake. At least her car wasn't weirdly quiet. "Unless you don't swing that way-" Which Grace did. "-and this conversation makes you uncomfortable. But, sis, this the Coven. We've talked about shit a [i]trillion[/i] times worse than this." Still, there was some part of Grace that seemed... sheltered? From what Madison heard Grace was rich and probably unused to this kind of stuff. Though, she seemed brave enough to agree to meet a shady ass black market organization. Madison sighed as she figured she should drop the topic of Grace's sexuality. Though, Madison did admit she was pretty good looking - enough to be a stripper! She didn't want to pull race into the mix but white dudes [i]love[/i] Asian women and she'd probably leave with at least five G's a night. Where Madison would have to work her ass off just to get a thousand! "I mean, have you ever been out to a club or anything?" Madison asked, "Like... it ain't like the movies. It's crazy and intense if it's your first time... Plus it's Miami. It's a [i]special[/i] place." She shrugged before she cracked a smile as another question popped in her head. "... At least tell me did you ever blow trees before?" The car in front of hers, she thought was Quinn's, turned into a gas station and Madison shrugged. She needed to stretch her legs out after driving for so long. "We're taking a break, I guess," Madison said as she turned into the gas station. She pulled into a parking spot before she turned the car off and got out. The first thing that Madison did was stretch one hand up above her head and roll her neck. Madison then stretched out her legs. "Ya'll go do whatever, I'll be in there in a minute," Madison said. [hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/y8f0UJw.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/H9epPjR.png[/img] [b][code]From Tampa to Miami.[/code][/b][/center][hr] Claudette offered to ride with Quinn since she too didn't want to be in the same car as Maya and Emily. Now the latter has definitely done a lot of growing, and the former isn't that bad, but they were still pretty... obnoxious. Each of them [i]alone[/i] would make a four-hour-long car ride seem a few [i]days[/i] long. Also not too many people wanted to ride with Quinn so Claudette bit the bullet. Herik also came with them not that it was unwelcomed but she couldn't shake the feeling that he had some resentment towards her. Or maybe that was just by association with Madison. Maybe he was just uneasy given that they lost two sisters due to Apparitions and almost lost another due to Madison's abstraction going out of control. Claudette sighed as she stared into her book and realized that it was almost over. All they had to do was get this damn cure and she would let the Coven to their own devices. They can go fight Annabelle if they wanted to, but Claudette was going to toss the Witches Darkness into the ocean and go back to New York. A sigh escaped her lips. This was a nice car to drive around in... but it was too high profile. Especially if they were going to meet a group of shady black market dealers. She wasn't going to argue with Quinn's car fetish or Grace's almost [i]comical[/i] naivety. She just buried herself in this book as Quinn and Herik talked... and then Quinn turned the vehicle into a gas station and Claudette shrugged. They should probably take a break, even if Claud wanted to get to Miami as fast as possible. A road trip like this was taxing on a person. Claudette got out of the car and watched as Quinn went over to Maya's car and walked into the gas station. The first thing that Claudette did was grab several bottles of water because everyone needed to stay hydrated. She kept her eyes on the Coven just in case somebody did something stupid. [hr][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/1tJdWt7.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/dIfRnRE.png[/img] [b][code]From Tampa to Miami.[/code][/b][/center][hr] Back and forth like a yoyo. Emily was desperate not to start a fight with Maya or something especially since she was more or less shunted into the same car as her. It was almost like these [i]sluts[/i] wanted her to start something with her. So, not to start a fight Emily practiced with her brand new abstraction. She had a ball that she had connected to her green telekinetic tethers and was yanking it back and forth. It wasn't a whole lot but if Emily was going to be a [i]hair[/i] above useless and avoid a repeat of the capture the flag game. However, Maya just had to break her concentration and blast this obnoxious ass Korean rap song. She rolled her eyes as she just knew that Maya knew that she didn't like rap. It was hard to keep the ball moving... until she lost focused and hit herself in the face. "Maya..." Emily trailed off, "... Could ya' play [i]anything[/i] other than this garbage?" Predictably Maya ignored her and Emily just crossed her arms and realized that she should have brought headphones of her own to drown out this garbage. She paid more attention to what Maya was saying for once if only to distract her from the horrid music. [quote=Maya][color=FireBrick]“I don’t care what you do, I just need to rest my hand.” [/color][/quote] "... What is your wrist sore from jerking off your boyfriend?" Emily muttered underneath her breath to no one in particular as the ball started floating in the air. She had to resist starting shit with Maya, but it was just so hard when she didn't like how she acts. Or her voice. Or her stupid face. [quote=Maya][color=FireBrick]“... And something to wash down painkillers.”[/color][/quote] Emily cracked a grin as she couldn't resist saying it. "... And Trevor. You probably have a lot of him left in your throat."