[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=limegreen]Elizabeth Flame[/color][/h1] [img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/ZT1oFwOs5lgNjkkr5dYCXnqcJHdga3d_7U1_fF0io8o/https/i.imgur.com/6VXPWB7.png[/img] [I][color=limegreen]Location: Dailsy's table Skills: N/A [hr][hr][/color][/I] [/center] "[color=limegreen]Kid freaked out from a prank.[/color]" She shrugged, answering Dailsy's question, "[color=limegreen]Can't even take a scary face apparently, she's the one who knocked me out for my prophecy actually.[/color]" She shrugged/ She still didn't feel bad about that, even a little bit. Sure, it was brash, but she hadn't caused any harm, and if the kid was gonna be a warrior, she'd need to learn not to flinch at such things. Putting her drink down, she turned her head at Dailsy and said, "[color=limegreen]Wanna go bully the thanes with me? I feel like gloating.[/color]" It wasn't that Beth was upset at not being taken seriously, though she was sure that her being a child of Loki made them doubt her a bit more, and that was something she was far from the happiest about, she never shied away from the chance to brag. Normally she'd go up alone, but having a seeing eye Dailsy sounded fun, presuming she didn't try to pull one over on her. Shoveling the rest of the food in her mouth, she swallowed hard, and stood up, cracking her back, and getting ready to get her "I told you so" on.