A dark seed of envy is planted in the forest, betwixt two countries at the border of two nations. Many believed the constant warring over this land was merely driven by pride and the blind arrogance of foolish royals. Soon, both countries opened their eyes to the truth. Neither understood why they were battling and wasting the lives of hundreds, over these woods. All who enter the tall trees and brambles of the forest feel overwhelming greed. No. Deep envy, hatred for their fellow man. The nations agreed. The land was hexed. Cursed. Enchanted. And whatever that creature may be must be vanquished for the good of all who live near it. Indeed, she embodied that envy. Neverending netaminity. Never being happy with oneself. As a spirit that lived on as a beautiful elf, eyes a deep emerald green that bewitches a soul into falling into the depravity of envy. She would turn each soul that dared to come into her stomping grounds into an envious bastard that would go back home a raging beast that would fight to destroy all he hated until he was put down like a rabid dog. Yes, she enjoyed that. But, the knights who had come to defeat her were getting more stoic, more closed off, and more difficult to enchant. She knew one day a knight would come who could possibly destroy her, soul and all. What would she do then? [hider=Click Me!]So I would like to do a roleplay where a character who has greatly inspired me, Parsee Mizuhashi, falls into a romantic tragedy. Either captured by a knight or almost killed, she expresses she was human once, a long time ago. And how she desires not to feel this burning hatred, but cannot end it. I want a romance to build from a place like that. Here is a reference for what she looks like and I have other references too, just post a comment. First to claim this rp gets to roleplay it with me. [img]https://static.zerochan.net/Mizuhashi.Parsee.full.1689261.jpg[/img] [/hider]