[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/Mp9GmbFg/image.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=bc8dbf]Location:[/color][/b] Catwalk [b][color=bc8dbf]Skills:[/color][/b] Roller Derby [hr][/center] Vinnie did her best to absorb the information that Y2K gave her. She tried to come up with some sort of funny device for recalling where the main exit was behind the tank - [i]Thomas the Tank Engine departs from Water World in one hour[/i] maybe? It was the best thing that she could come up with, but she still figured she would have a better chance of remembering that than just straight up memorizing what Y2K had said. What happened next was purely driven by instinct and reflex honed from slamming into people at the rink. Noah had charged and slammed into Y2K, sending both of them toppling over. Tessa failed to grab them. Vinnie rushed forward, her hand latching onto the right arm... of Y2K. Noah had plummeted to his death. Her breath caught in her throat as some sort of sob as Vinnie desperately tried to pull Y2K on up, ashamed that she had basically forced Noah's death to be meaningless, but she wasn't going to let Y2K go. Y2K was their best chance at getting the upper hand in this situation. [color=bc8dbf]"I need some help,"[/color] she pleaded, struggling as she tried to pull Y2K on up over the railing, but her grip was starting to slip. [hr] Raynor's throat went dry as the name [i]Lana Sparks[/i] came back to haunt him. He had lost his best friend years ago, setting off on a fruitless quest to the United States in order to try and find her again. He had lost hope that he would find her ages ago, never daring to dream that he would find her again on some sort of alien ship or colony. He forgot how to speak for a moment, before his senses flooded back to him. The sounds of a fight were echoing down into the grate and Raynor's body reacted before his mind had even processed everything, as he kicked the grate open. [color=d86615]"Lana? It's me.... Raynor..."[/color] he said uncertainly, crawling out of the grate and rising to his full height.