When Kyiriniae'aea activated the archway with her energies, it became horribly clear not a moment later that the elven maiden should have activated the crystal ball prior, for she felt the very energy of her being sucked into what seemed an endless void of nothingness. Her very soul was stretched like a dislocated arm, and it was only mercifully pushed back within her once the archway coalesced energies borne of her magics. To say she felt drained was an understatement, though what appeared next would be far, far worse. The archway swirled with multicolored energy of pure chaos as the very structure itself sparked with eldritch, purple lightning every few moments that audibly cracked and sizzled. Though the air in the chamber was stilled, the sorceress could feel a strange ebb and flow of magic with her magesight, like kicked up dust from some explosion that served as a portent of doom. It was after five long seconds that the visitor appeared. At first, one clawed foot stepped into the material plane, for he approached. Then the next laid bare upon the stone, for he approached. A staff of blacksteel crowned with a demonskull materialized before her eyes, for he approached. Scaled skin the color of stained oak mixed with dead blood showed from his entrance, for he approached. His robes were suddenly palpable and colored purple, yet shimmered as if coated with black spider silk, for he approached. It was his face she saw last. A draconic visage, lipless and sunken like skin barely clinging to a vicious skull, with two large, sloped horns framing its snout. Upon his brow were three eyes, the center clearly made of some unknown precious gemstone. Once fully out of the portal, Kyiriniae'aea saw the thing, fully seven feet in height. If she used her magesight, she saw it was at least two long strides above her in power and knowledge, though there was no telling what it or he was. It was obvious even if she weren't so drained, she had no real chance of bewitching the thing and could likely harm it enough to make it angrier. She heard a low growl emanate from its throat, as if it were the broken engine of some Dwarven machine. "What realm is this?" It asked aloud, though she could tell it was asking itself rather than her. It's voice was three voices, or perhaps it echoed within its throat thrice, for they sounded very deep and similar. All at once, its three eyed gaze fell upon Kyiriniae'aea, scrutinizing her as if she were a squirrel that had wandered into a living room. "A fairy..." it said, referring to the archaic forms of the Elves before they were gifted larger bodies by the Gods so long ago. "Why did you call Gekir'vash'ni'k'kashnik'ash here?" Suddenly, the tension was broken when a wail rose up from neither of them, and both saw the form of the baby in the bag, shaking its fists and crying. The warlock, for it indeed had the energy signature of such a thing, tilted its head curiously. It's curiosity was likely the only thing from killing the sorceress at the current moment. "A child?" [@Penny] [hider]Oh FUCK! Well, you can...um, you got a lot of options. Clearly there are no easy ones. You could attempt to unsummon him, though I wouldn't try unless you're feeling really lucky. You could try to lie and bargain with what you have to save your own skin, or you could blink away though he either chases you or you lose your tower. Or you could surprise me![/hider]