Haki quietly listened to Chance’s story. It was a heartbreaking tale that made him want to cry. He knew where Chance was coming from since his own past wasn’t that much different. He just never fell in love. But when he was little and still a slave, his magic would occasionally cause him to go berserk. It was mostly due to the magic dampening collar and a special medication that his slavers forced him to drink. The purpose of this medication was to block the growth of magic but it didn’t work as intended. Instead of halting the growth it only bottled it up until it eventually exploded. During one of these occasions, he went berserk and killed several of his fellow slaves and severely injuring a few. Needless to say, he was locked up and punished for months after that incident. [color=39b54a]“I’m sorry Chance. She must’ve been someone special to you,”[/color] Haki said. He unknowingly shrank his size and curled tighter into a ball. Chance’s story only strengthened his hunch that he was straight. Even if He couldn’t be something more, Haki hoped that Chance would stick around since he is one of the few friends he made on his journey. In the past, he thought he had made friends but they only wanted to be with him for his fame. Chance and Nessa were the only genuine friend he made thus far. [color=39b54a]“Chance…”[/color] Haki began talking but hesitated, [color=39b54a]“can I ask you something?”[/color] He wanted to ask if Chance liked him but decided against it. They have only met a few days ago, though in his perspective that day had been months ago. It wouldn’t be right for an almost complete stranger to ask something so personal. He was also afraid of what Chance would say. Their friendship would surely end if Chance said no. [color=39b54a]“What does the stag want with you now?”[/color] Haki asked. He had no intention in asking that question, it was just what came to mind. [hr] Adrian was slightly startled when Nessa leaned against him. Though the feeling quickly faded as he leaned back against her. Her touch was warm and calming. Someone thing he hasn’t felt in a long time. He wished It would last forever but deep down knew that it wouldn’t. He was too afraid of starting a relation seeing how his last one ended. Even if Nessa could defend herself, it wouldn’t be right to put her in danger. He held up his hand as if to say something but it didn’t move. He couldn’t think of what to say so he stayed quiet. He looked to the sky and towards the horizon. It was the afternoon and the wine festival would soon start. To mark the occasion, the city would light thousands of and release it into the sky. Afterward, a large parade would bring everyone to the city center. Once everyone was gathered a dance would take place. To predicate, one would need to buy a flower and leave it at the city center under a large willow tree. Once the signal is given, everyone would go and retrieve their flower then ask their partner for a dance. [color=0072bc][i]“Nessa, would you like to go and look around the city?”[/i][/color] Adrian signed. Nessa was an amazing woman and if he didn’t try, he would regret it for the rest of his life. He would at least need to try and ask if Nessa felt the same about him.