[hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LpDeg8r.png[/img] [hr] [color=0080ff]Location:[/color] The hall outside Agent 13's apartment [color=0080ff]Skills:[/color] [/center] [hr][hr] Niah let out a small sigh of relief. All of the Skrulls and More-Psycho-Than-Usual-Flynn were taken care of. She lowered her ICER. [color=0080ff]"Alright I'm just gonna come out and say it. Something funky is going on. I was agreeing with Flynn. We need to stop this stupid law thing. But I guess it makes sense I was agreeing with him since apparently he is an imposter. We need to figure out what is going on."[/color] She spoke mostly to Cass, but she didn't care who else heard her. [color=0080ff]"Bonnie, is your test good? Like are they copying our DNA? Is that why they have powers, our powers? They seem to be getting better at faking it. If they aren't copying our DNA we need to set up a quick way of checking anytime we have been alone."[/color] There was so much going on. With the new laws that Hill was pushing for and now all these damn Skrulls showing up. A part of Niah was regretting going back into the field, but she couldn't imagine how guilty she would have felt if she hadn't been here and Bonnie or Cass or any of the team had been hurt that she might have been able to help. Just like the guilt, she felt from not going to the Moon. [hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/RGqiibs.png[/img] [hr] [color=004d00]Location:[/color] Hanging from the banister on 2nd floor -> The hall outside Agent 13's apartment [color=004d00]Skills:[/color] [/center] [hr][hr] Skrull? LMD?...Fake-Flynn fell down the stairs just like almost everyone else on the team. It seemed like it had become an important part of being a part of the Secret Warriors, fall over the banister in Captain America's apartment complex. He was toasted by fake-Flynn so elegantly making his way back up like he was a rocket. If the building was going to burn down he was gonna pump so much paralytic into Fake-Flynn he never walked again. Matt was literally on fire. He pulled himself up having been able to shift his weight enough that his shoulder wasn't rolled weird. On the second floor, his eyes darted around looking for a way to put himself out. But he didn't see one, so he just did the classic thing all kids are taught to do when they find themselves on fire. A problem that up till today he hadn't encountered much. He stopped-dropped-and rolled, which did the trick. He was no longer actively on fire. He cursed to himself colorfully and started up the stairs. Lucky Flynn, Bonnie had beat him up there and there was a dagger in the back. He suspected that was how Bonnie felt at the moment. He was, of course, assuming that it had been Bonnie, but the dagger looked like hers. He raised an eyebrow at Niah who had admitted to agreeing with Fake-Flynn. Break orders. Had she been replaced too? He didn't know her that well, and considering the situation with her sister...well he had his opinions about Niah.