I"m looking to do some rp, it's been awhile, and I'm interested in some 1x1, as the pacing tends to be better on responses. I'm open to fandom, I guess, but I"m not familiar with much current fandom, so I'd automatically be the dummy that prompts exposition. Other than that, I like middle range fantasy (non human people included, some magic flying around but nothing like, say, Slayers where everyone and their mother is slinging magic about constantly), almost all forms of science fiction, horror, anime/manga inspired original stuff, post apocalyptic settings (if presented well). I've lost my taste for romance, recently. I'm open to adult stuff, but if that's the [i]only[/i] thing you want to do, please don't waste my time. The only thing I like better than a good story is being a part of one, and actually seeing where it goes. If you're the sort to pick something up, and lose interest quickly, then again, don't waste my time. either reply here, or PM me if you're interested, and be sure to mention what you are interested in doing. Man, Woman, any other identities out there, no problem, I just ask you to be over 18 (Frankly, I'd prefer one at least be 25; I'm 35 years old, and I just don't want to play with kids)