[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200801/1feff4d45c38eae1315e288c427dc5a6.png[/img][/center] Eclipse gave a light chuckle at Dreamseeker's enthusiasm, [color=ed1c24][b]"It's alright. I'd like to be able to do something like that, but I don't think I'd ever get my parents to agree to it with what just happened."[/b][/color] After a final nod towards Cloud, whose eyes occasionally flicked over to them, he turned and walked back up the stairs; no longer concerned about the guards since they should be aware of Dreamseeker's presence now. Some of them in the hall, dragons he didn't immediately recognize, gave him a respectful nod, and a faintly suspicious glance towards Dreamseeker, as he passed by in the direction of his room. [color=ed1c24][b]"My friend, Skua, said some similar things,"[/b][/color] he smiled fondly, [color=ed1c24][b]"Not about being heroes really but just not sitting around and doing nothing. He's a bit fiery and temperamental but he means well."[/b][/color] He could hear quiet, steady breaths coming from his parents room as they passed by, and he pushed the door to his room open. Stepping inside, the lights were still burning faintly, and he settled down on one of several plush rugs that dotted the floor. He gestured with one wing around the room, [color=ed1c24][b]"Make yourself comfortable. It'd feel wrong to just kick you out in the middle of the night."[/b][/color] He knew that if some of the other guards caught her flying around the palace at this late hour they would probably be less than friendly. The ones in the palace were aware, but that didn't mean all of them were, and despite his better judgement, he found himself liking the small, idealistic NightWing. She was very different from many of the dragons in the Sky Kingdom and it was refreshing. [color=ed1c24][b]"I'm sure there are probably dragons here that would go to the rainforest in a heartbeat. We all want to know what happened and why."[/b][/color] He crossed his front legs and wrapped his tail tightly around him wondering what kind of argument he could make to his parents. Maybe if he convinced Skua to go and Dreamseeker came with them, surely they'd feel better if there was a group of them. He let out a soft sigh, resting his head onto his claws.