[img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9c/2a/7e/9c2a7efd5ea86555ea2c390d7d544971.jpg[/img] [b]Cronus Meeting[/b] The five princes convene in an unofficial location above one of the OPAO planets. They each sit absorbing the delusional galactic public announcement by Octo Smith. The talk of prosperous times, a galaxy free for human settlement, and galactic security while maintaining the idea he has a vision but yet unable to articulate it to those in governing positions, only kept the five princes from questioning their current direction. Each of their positions became more and more detached from the Dominion in every way, their strategic plan for establishing themselves separate was building and would be implemented soon after this meeting. Fools or not, the princes were no longer going to dismiss the Dominions lack of integrity and poor ability to generate meaningful action. “How dare this old man-child declare foolishness with those who stand up for a higher order than this own authority,” harked Neema. Mayven replied, “you expect too much from him, haha, he has always been the fool…blindly reigning his way toward the spectres of Hell. Come, take this drink and calm those nerves, no need to stand your hairs up for such political reality TV.” Mayven poured a smooth glass of red wine cradled between her index and middle finger. Neema sighed while making her approach from the large display that projected Octo Smith’s video. She gently took the glass from Mayven pursing her lips as the edge of her glass met slipping the red wine down her throat. “Soon enough we will be ready for our official secession from the Dominion and no longer will need to play these games any longer, soon Neema, you may not feel as compelled to rage over the nonsensical chatter of this utterly benign old man.” Iman spoke with a deep voice, his attempt at reaffirming the upcoming sequences of events were his way of reassuring Neema that her anger will soon have an outlet and channel to flow through. “When will the final movements be ready?” Valiance asked. Mayven replied, “We have completed the 4th phase of supply and troop movements. We have one week before everything is ready for engagement.” Valiance responded to Mayven with a look of satisfaction, “alright, let us review for the last time in-person what is about to unfold, and speak to our respective churches for final approval. Before we do, is there anything on the table that needs attention in their respective principality?” The princes shook their heads from left to right in response to Valiance’s question. The principalities were all stable and calm. There were some reports of organized criminal activity but nothing had occurred yet that deserved great attention. Nicole had been quiet in much of the discussion as her colleagues deliberated on the strategy of seceding from the Dominion’s grips. [b]Terror in Daedolus[/b] [img]https://cdn.suwalls.com/wallpapers/fantasy/futuristic-soldier-hiding-from-the-police-27335-1920x1080.jpg[/img] Above the streets of Daedalus there hover the soft white clouds holding steady in their slow migration from West to East. The towering glass buildings which allowed for so much of Daedalus’ people to receive any moonlight that may be showing this night. These towers standing strong decorating the skyline with sharp architecture showed a precision of Daedolus’s minds and technologies. The people walked and hover cars zoomed as business kept the likes of this place moving and developing. Around one of the corner’s in the busiest market on the planet sirens echoed. Several officers were positioned outside of their vehicles with rifles trained on a concrete barricade in front of one of the towers. “Put your weapon down!” One of the officers commanded. Behind the barricade crouched an individual in a power suit. Their handgun was out and a timer ticking down on their forearm display. The unidentified individual was attempting to figure out how to get out of this situation as more police force closed in. “We are asking one more time to please place your weapon the ground, slide it out, and come out with your hands in the air where we can see that you are no longer armed, if you comply, we will place you under arrest, if you do not, we will be forced to move and take necessary action!” The commanding officer charged out his commands once more. The situation occurred after a suspicious individual was caught inside a government-affiliated building without proper credentials. There were five confirmed kills in the building and three were security. Before this individual could escape the building went into full lockdown after they tripped a sensor in their espionage campaign which set off an A.I. systems response. They were able to neutralize several security weapons before having been redirected to the streets where their location was confronted by a front of police authority. “It wasn’t supposed to go down like this…” the individual said underneath his helmet. The timer still ticking, they clicked their HUD display to light up on their helmet, in the top right corner was an open-line video of a familiar face, “the mission has been compromised, code 6, field termination…I will hold out until the objective has been accomplished.” The person on the right top hand corner responded, “are you sure there is no other way?” The individual’s eyes were pulled down slightly, “no…there will be too many too soon, for the Dominion.” The individual clicked their HUD off, charged an incendiary grenade tossing it overhead into the pockets of a grouped police front. The officers made attempts to escape, but one jumped on the grenade which completely thwarted much of the effects that the individual hoped to gain. The other officers immediately pulled the injured officer to a medevac as they opened fire on the barricade. One round clipped the power armor of the individual that had slightly been exposed at the side. “Fuck!” The individual tucked themselves into a smaller size and when the rifles ended their barrage, the individual transitioned from a crouch into a kneeling position firing off 4 consecutive rounds before tucking back underneath. Their shots penetrated a window which hit an officer in the shoulder blade sending them to the ground, another had been struck in the neck with blood flowing from their carotid immediately. Again the officers unleashed their rounds on the barricade as they ripped it apart, one round actually penetrating the crippling concrete and lodging itself in the individual’s power suit. The break in the power suit caused the individual to slightly begin worrying. They knew holding this spot would not last another barrage. When the rifles ceased for reloading, the individual made a run for an alley directly in line with the barricade. The open space between the barricade and the alley was 40 yards. Their split from the position was quick, several officers yelling, but before the individual reached the alley, a loud sharp bang reverberated from the rooftops. “What the hell was that?” The individual said to themselves as their body suddenly jolted and their vision fell forward seeing nothing but the street floor. They lost balance and feeling in their legs. “Come on get up, why can’t I get up!” An extreme pain began elevating in the lower part of their spine, their body turned over revealing a team of officers. One of the officers identified the timer, “Who are you? What is this?” pointing to the timer which just hit zero. The individual’s helmet was ripped off revealing their smirk, “It’s a good time to die.” An explosion at the top of the building they had just been in blew out the windows. Another blow, then another, and another, all the way down to the first floor sending the officers off their feet and back to their cars. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9e/b0/20/9eb02069fd78bd0059d7dc413d66ebcd.jpg[/img] [b]Princes of Order: Responding to Daedolus[/b] Valiance Spiros stood at the edge of his quarters where a large window secured his life from being sucked out into space on a command ship setting course for his principality. His hands crossed gazing out across the nebula with a firm grip of what needed to happen upon his return. He had been building the narrative in his head about how to deliver his orders in sequence but as he was doing so an emergency broadcast chimed in his quarters. An A.I. named Gladius appeared in a hologram imitating a human female, “emergency broadcast on Daedalus, incoming transmission…patching through-WE ARE LIVE AND ABOVE IN THE HUGE DAEDALUS MARKET WHERE THE FORMER BASTION ENTERPRISE BUILDING HAS BEEN DESTROYED-Prince Spiros we have a second incoming transmission identified as Princess Neema Valshehk.” Valiance nodded for his approval as he looked for a chair before Gladius opened the room’s projection monitor for Neema to connect. Her face appeared on screen as he sat down, she sat at a sleek desk with a planetary backdrop and stars behind a window running behind her. “Valiance, have you heard about Daedalus?” The anger in her voice was detected but also being checked back by her as well, “yes, the transmission just reached me before you called.” Neema slammed her fist down on the other side of the screen. “Bastion Enterprise was manufacturing the last set of Vanguard…we lost over 15% of our progress! WHO THE HELL KNEW ABOUT THIS AND WHO ATTACKED US!” Neema yelled with fury. Valiance allowed for silence to seep into the space between him and Neema as she vented her frustration, “I am unsure, my bet, word has leaked of our intentions toward the Dominion, and this was a message…may be an act of declaring an unofficial war before we mount an official one?” Gladius chimed in before Neema could respond, “Prince Spiros, a third transmission incoming identified as Princess Mayven Reigns.” Prince Spiros nodded for approval as he did with Neema and a second video appeared on display with Mayven Reigns. “Mayven, I am sure you have heard about Daedalus, any ideas on who it might be?” Valiance asked. “Yes, that is why I am calling, Neema glad you are here as well. My sources were able to retrieve recorded data off the helmet of the individual who planted and detonated the explosives. The individual appears to have been affiliated with a group called the Martinet who is organized by another individual who calls himself the Chancellor. There is not much information I’ve gathered yet passed this and will be pulling in Nicole for scouring every bit of data we may be able to get on Chancellor or connected items.” Neema immediately replied, “I want this Chancellor taken alive, so I may punish him as I see fit!” Valiance looked to Mayven, “thank you for your quick discovery Mayven.” He then shifted his attention to Neema, “would you like to take point on this then, it would free Mayven up so we may move forward on our plans.” Neema grinned, “it looks like you understood what I was saying, good man.” Valiance chuckled as did Mayven, and each said their respective goodbyes before signing off. [i]Themes: (1) Princes convene on long-term preparations and planning around the upcoming campaign involving their official secession from the Dominion. (2) The city of Daedalus is the target of a terrorist attack. (3) The production of Vanguard is halted in Daedalus by an identified organized syndicate called Martinet led by an individual who is called, The Chancellor. [/i]