[@ColourlessKing][@Scallop][@Duoya] - [b]In the Riverbed[/b] The craft's pilot was finally visible as it spun around in mid-air. The jets cutting off, and then reigniting in a moment to do a complete 180 in the air after a first failed attack. The pilot sat on top. A man in black armor, warped beyond visibility. Even looking at him was a nightmare, but it hardly seemed to matter as the vessel he was controlling was very much on the attack again. Mu's attack struck the armored knight, and despite its power all it did was stagger the monster, nearly knocking him off his vessel. Perhaps that was the opening needed. As Diarmuid, the brave knight of Fionn leapt into the fray. The monsterous attacker's attention turned away from the master and her servant, allowing another attack from Mu to strike Berserker again. Each time he shrugged off the attack, but each time it kept him from focusing in totally upon the Saber. Allowing Diarmuid to close the gap, and burst right in. Berserker's craft crashed into a wall of the riverbed. Smoke and dust obscuring him as he stood, finally freeing himself from the remnants of his weapon. Yet he hardly seemed phased as he leapt down from the Riverbed. His head turned, looking directly at Mu, as if silently blaming him for all this. Then... The helmet split. A mass of tentacles bursting out of every corner of that broken helmet, knocking the two halves to the side. The [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/714405110159245334/744742180559519754/unknown.png]face[/url] was a horrible wailing monster of tentacles and teeth. Then, it paused as if hearing a sound that none of them could hear. And so, it walked away from the wounded knight and the chaldean operatives. As if it no longer cared about them. _________________________________________________________________________ [@Letter Bee][@SSW][@Cu Chulainn] - [b]In the Middle of the City District[/b] The sound of gunfire filled the air again, as a bullet flew well above Saber's head, only to be deflected by one of the assassins who were now paying more attention to the gunner than to Don Juan himself. Thankfully, the loss of one of their members seemed to have made them passive. Almost as if they were in silent discussion with each other. The sniper though, was on the move, as a shadow could be seen running between broken windows. [b]"Swordsman, where is your master!?"[/b] The voice though, was as sweet as honey to Saber's ears. The voice of a young woman, perhaps in her early twenties. She became visible as she stopped finally in front of a window, and she was indeed what Saber had hoped for. [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/2/24/Hisau_maiya.png/revision/latest?cb=20111016183807]Beautiful[/url]. [b]"Saber, tell your master that he has to get out of the city, and across the river! He isn't safe in the city!"[/b] She shouted again. Her eyes on him. Then, she jumped. Catching a long hanging wire, she slid down, as if full expecting this mysterious Saber servant to catch her and carry her away. She probably wasn't wrong. [b]"I'll explain more when we're out of the way. Those things are probably deciding on which is in charge now, but it won't take them much longer."[/b]