Mari had nearly a quarter of the day to bathe and take a nap, which she did so gladly. The soreness and aching of her limbs was eased, and the dirt and grime of the road washed away. The room for the night cost 2 Lordlings, or 40 Commons, whichever she wanted to spend. With no extra charge, she was given her own time in a hot bath and new clothes she could pick out to wear, courtesy of Ithaca vouching for her. That night, the bugs sang loudly outside of her open window before she slid it closed and made her way down the stairs, passing by an older couple and a strange elf wearing ornate armor passing by her without so much as glancing her way. He seemed focused completely on whatever was on his mind. Her boots gave a clack on the wooden planks as she stepped onto the barroom, drawing a few gazes her way. The room was large and spacious, with at least sixteen large circular tables, all of them filled by hard men in mercenary leathers, weary and celebratory travelers, and merchants wanting to relax or sell their wares. She recognized a few faces in the crowd, as well. Mrs. Richardson wearing an apron, serving various cakes. Po Harthwyn was at the far left of the room, speaking alone to a sagely Dwarf as if they were old friends, though whatever it was they were talking about, it was business or news. Ithaca said at the right of the room, her rump firmly planted on a barstool as she spoke to some large creature, it looked. An armored Draconic humanoid, red scaled and wearing ornate plate armor of strange material. It was fully eight feet tall, and it stood rather than sat as if it was not planning on staying long. Luckily there was a seat beside Ithaca that had yet to be taken. If Mari turned her gaze, she would also see an older man and a younger man at the center of the room, taking up and entire table. Judging by their darkly colored robes and well-mannered speech, they were mages of a sort. Where would she go would be her decisions, or perhaps she would try and find one of the few empty booths left and order herself something? [@Luminosity]