If you’re frantically flipping through books trying to figure out where the Changeling comes from: I renamed the Dragon because I wanted something Fae instead of something dragonish. (And then Thanqol swooshed right into that conceptual space anyway.) I also scrambled around my core to make them Sleeping Beauty blessings instead of “I’m a dragon and these things I can do inherently.” There’s even a Norse myth shoutout in there! Sidebar: I kind of want Constance to be, like, Unnaturally Strong and for that to flavor her +2 Blood. Should I do that, or should I remove one of my “I’m tripling down on +2 Grace” Traits and replace it with “unnatural strength, despite having been a fawn”? (And if you’re wondering how I got [i]those,[/i] I used my What Is A Dragon to snipe a core move from the Beast.)