[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#556B2F]Luna Braddock - Glimpse[/color][/h1][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/a8b8a0243a6d105fd79755a12dc50800/tumblr_inline_mkmyofd5mV1qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr] [color=#556B2F][b]Location:[/b][/color] Mutant Underground Room 3 -- Washington D.C. [color=#556B2F][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [/center][hr][hr] Luna had eventually gotten to bed, although she had no recollection of how she made it there. She did remember hearing her father's voice and the sound of roaring before Negasonic had the phone and was asking for help. Luna also remembered asking to come. Clearly that hadn’t happened. Luna was laying in her bed the next morning, staring up at the ceiling as she listened to Callie sleep. Both of them had been up several times through the night while their symptoms leveled off from severe. Luna’s whole body ached, her stomach more so. She was hungry but everytime she thought of food, her stomach would roll. There was nothing left in her system so she couldn’t throw up anymore and she was now over tired from the lack of sleep and food that she couldn’t sleep. Not to mention the lack of oxygen from having to breathe so shallowly. Suddenly there was screaming outside their door and she recognized it as Waverley’s screams. Luna turned her head the other way and shut her eyes. She wasn’t ready for the day, she wasn’t ready for screaming at nine in the morning. She wasn’t ready for another rollercoaster day of symptoms changing from the disease. Luna felt weak, tired and helpless. Useless. She turned her blood shot eyes back to Callie’s side of the room when the door opened and Callie left their room. She could just make out Callie’s words but not enough to fully understand. Luna slowly sat herself up, she couldn’t lay in bed all day even if she begged to. Her condition wasn’t severe now, she could help some maybe. Luna had to sit on the edge of her bed for a moment while the wave of dizziness passed.