Seven cups of coffee. Listener never had coffee in her life. Her parents never let her near the stuff, and honestly, she never felt the need for a pick-me-up. She hesitated as she closed her hand around the pill that Archer gave her. [color=pink]"This won't be addictive, right?"[/color] She lifted her mask just enough to slide the pill into her mouth before receiving any confirmation. Ultimately, she was not too concerned. She was confident this vision loss would be temporary. Especially considering how she had gone from seeing nothing to seeing blurred colors. She rolled it around in her mouth for a moment to build up saliva before quickly swallowing it. She never liked taking pills of any kind even when she needed them, but she never complained about them either. Even if they gave her chills when she swallowed them. While she waited for the pill's effects to take place, Listener stood still for what felt like eternity. She hated every second of it.