[center][h1][color=#EEE8AA]Ezekiel Kel[/color][/h1] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/4687144bbda18f5eecd3b798d8bc0e42/tumblr_ph2rk6whdA1wgbspjo3_250.gifv[/img] [I][color=#EEE8AA]Location:[/color][/i] Bus Depot -- Washington D.C. [color=#EEE8AA]Skills:[/color] [/center] [hr][hr] Ezekiel looked back at the bathroom quickly when Kristin walked out, carrying the unconscious girl who had been following them and set her on a bench. Ezekiel looked around them but no one seemed to be paying attention to them. [color=#EEE8AA]”What? You girls clearly had it handled. If I ran in there, guns blazing, you’d be upset I didn’t give you two a chance,”[/color] Ezekiel defended. He watched Kristin check her pockets and then noticed Kristin was injured. [color=#EEE8AA]”Do you want me to look at that for you?”[/color] They should probably save the nectar and ambroise for more serious injuries, Ezekiel was thinking. He looked back at what Kristin had found and it happened to be a few items that looked like herbs. He took them from Kristin, examining them and trying to discern what they were. He sniffed them and was about to pull out his notebook to see if he had them written down or drawn out somewhere. [color=#EEE8AA]”These are typically used in poisons or potions rather than teas or as is. It depends on the combination or amounts they are used to determine which they would be,”[/color] Ezekiel offered. He slipped the herbs into a bag before he kept them in his satchel. [color=#EEE8AA]”What are we going to do about her,”[/color] he asked, nodding to the unconscious girl.