Character in progress. [b]Character you have created:[/b] Kayiphan [b]Alias:[/b] N/A [b]Speech Color:[/b] [color=2e3192]"This will suffice. [b]It is the thought that matters.[/b]"[/color] [b]Character Alignment:[/b] Villain, [s]but convinced it's other peoples fault[/s]. [b]Identity:[/b] Unknown - he is soon to awaken on Earth. [b]Character Personality:[/b] Slow and ponderous, Kayiphan cares mainly about information - how systems of matter, energy, biology and society interact. He generally avoids speaking unless spoken to, content to listen and observe in social situations - especially since his arrival on Earth, a place that works so differently from the worlds he was used too. His nervous habits, of nail biting and hair twirling, often become apparent when he is in a moment of great concentration. That said, Kayiphan is also [b]arrogant[/b], and sometimes dangerously so - his interest in other people primarily stems from what he can learn from them or how else they can be useful, or at least "different". In truth, he is obsessed with the concept of "value" as it applies to things - whether that be physical objects, animals, phenomena, nations, or individuals - whereby "value" is defined as "the degree to which a thing benefits or improves the status or efficiency of other components to the system(s) it is a part of". It is little wonder, then, that he felt so little guilt about his experiments on the Thirty Two Spheres. After all, what are a few lives or personalities - so easily written off by him as forgettable and ordinary - in the face of discovery? Of connecting worlds yet unconnected? [b]Uniform/costume:[/b] Kayiphan has no separate costume or 'secret identity', since he is not native to Earth and originated on a world with separate norms. However, his regular clothes from the Thirty Two Spheres stand out from the norm, consisting of a multi-layered toga in several shades of black, blue and lilac, with highlighted patterns of silver and red. Around his wrist is a golden bracelet that contrasts sharply against his pale blue skin, a token of appreciation from a long lost friend and the reminder of his need to return home. The black sandals he wears are tightly bound to his legs, while the tattoos etched down the bridge of his nose, lips and chest are a hold over of his branding and exile from his home sphere, the Thirteenth. [b]Origin Info/Details:[/b] [b]Season 1/2 Summary:[/b] Trapped in a mirror within mirrors, and then the upper most mirror was hurled into a colourless abyss for an unknowable length of time. [b]Hero Type:[/b] Other [b]Power Level:[/b] In his current state, he is merely at [b]A level[/b]. However, given time to build up his resources and sufficient sapient beings to draw upon, he could become a [b]C level[/b] or even [b]D level[/b] threat. [b]Powers[/b][indent] [i][b]Stepping through reflections[/b][/i]: Kayiphan achieved his unique position by the development of a rare skill on the Thirty Two Spheres - "inverting". A mirrored surface is a key way to change our perception of ourselves and our surroundings, and those who learn to see beyond the surface and to 'cut off' or 'embrace' new perspectives can step through their reflections to visit other possible locations linked to a reflective surface. This power doesn't work for him on Earth in the way he is used to - he can't use it to step between worlds or long distances, instead being limited to roughly 100 feet. [i][b]Tracing from virtue[/b][/i]: A far more prominent and dangerous ability unique to Kayiphan - or at least, that he uniquely was willing to develop - was the idea of [b]extracting virtue[/b]. By touching a living creature or an object with sentimental and abstract associations to those who handle it, Kayiphan can temporarily manifest matter from the Thirty Two Spheres that matches the relevant virtue (or "colour"). This matter can take countless forms - from fields of colourful energy with unusual properties, to replicas of objects and technology he is familiar with, to temporary replicas - "echoes" - of people or living creatures that obey Kayiphan's will. Fortunately for the creatures of Earth, the fact that the five virtues are largely abstract qualities means that the harm caused by this extraction is greatly diminished, and the more accurate term while on Earth is [b]tracing[/b]. While the process is still unpleasant - a subject whose tenacity is traced, for example, will find themselves suddenly losing their sense of determination for a brief period of time - it is not permanent and causes no physical harm other than a brief sense of nausea and a mild headache. The five virtues of Kayiphan's home that he can interact with and trace are: --- [color=440e62][b]Novelty[/b], Black, the First Virtue.[/color] A form of 'smart matter', a sort of naturally occurring swarm of microbial entities that can form into a variety of simple tools or patterns, and even mimic the other four virtues or colours to a lesser degree, albeit with greater effort. Tracing black from an object causes it to shrink and 'simplify', losing extraneous or distinctive details such as colouration, patterns, or small components. Tracing it from a living creature strips it of imagination or curiosity for a time, and can cause brief periods of insomnia. --- [color=0054a6][b]Reason[/b], Blue, the Second Virtue.[/color] A sort of 'quantum entanglement' on a macro-level canvas. Blue matter and energy is always created in pairs that perfectly mimic and reflect each other - a disc of blue matter that is shaped into a small pyramid, for example, will cause another equal amount of its "mirror half" to shape into an inverted pyramid. Tracing blue from an object causes it to rise in temperature, while a living creature traced of its blue will find itself struggling with long term thinking or concentration while the effect lasts. --- [color=7bcdc8][b]Fairness[/b], Silver, the Third Virtue.[/color] Increases the rate of entropy in its influence and can project fields that 'perfectly distribute' energy and motion within all areas of the field simultaneously. Grows exponentially stronger in response to heightened energy - such a field can be slowly walked through with ease, for example, but would stop a guided missile in its tracks. Tracing silver from an object weakens its structural integrity, while tracing it from a living creature saps it's sense of awareness and patience for a time. --- [color=fff200][b]Warmth[/b], Gold, the Fourth Virtue.[/color] Supports the growth and health of living matter within its influence and lights, allowing living things to survive for extended periods in relative comfort - even without access to all of their physical needs (food, water, air, sleep etc.). In concentrated amounts, it rapidly regenerates systems of matter and energy in a way the observer perceives as 'correct' - usually medical, but in theory this could also be used to [i]accelerate[/i] the rate at which a machine, for example, decays or breaks down. Tracing gold from an object sterilizes it of microbial life or nutrients, while tracing it from a living creature dampens a its sense of empathy or compassion for a time, and slows the rate of its natural processes. --- [color=9e0b0f][b]Tenacity[/b], Red, the Fifth Virtue.[/color] Generates and stores energy at over 100% efficiency, but highly volatile - like all of the colours it is organic and mildly empathic in nature, and so requires to be in close proximity to someone or something with a strong will to direct it and prevent it exploding from any sharp increases in heat or pressure. Can thus be detonated with little effort, or used to fuel living creatures or machines to supernormal levels. Tracing red from an object drains it of energy and motion, while tracing it from a living creature causes it to lose any sense of momentum, desire or willpower temporarily. [/indent] [b]Attributes (Select one at each category):[/b] [indent] Height: [b]6"4[/b] Weight: [b]230lb[/b] Strength: Kayiphan is not a very physically strong individual - barely able to lift about 60 pounds at a real push. Were he to fuel himself on traced tenacity first, however, he could push into just past peak human levels - a little bit over 500 pounds. Mobility: Likewise, Kayiphan is sluggish, needing to stop for breath even after a short sprint. With traced tenacity, he could potentially hit a dead sprint of roughly 25mph, and keep it going until the effect wore off in an hour or so - though he would probably pass out afterwards from the strain. Intelligence: Above average, experienced with life on many worlds and a keen scholar of numerous scientific and cosmological fields - albeit ones that were very different from earth. It will take him time to adjust his knowledge and skill set to earth. Fighting Skill: Kayiphan has always disliked physical conflict and has little practice, but he has received some training in close quarters fighting from his former friends and other inverters. His style is very improvised, making use of the terrain and random objects. Resources: Kayiphan currently lacks any resources except the mirror he was sealed in, and the dark blue robes he wears.[/indent] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Aside from the fact that Kayiphan is fundamentally mortal - and thus is vulnerable to injury and exhaustion as much as anyone else - there is also the fact that he is unused to technology on Earth. This extends beyond merely a need for practice, as he is used to technology and artifacts on worlds which are fueled by and work on the principles of the five virtues. Earthly technology works by principles that are alien to him. More broadly, of course, his strangely imposing physical appearance and his anti-social persona, as well as his ignorance on Earth history, art, and culture. [b]Supporting Characters:[/b] [b]Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:[/b] [img][/img] [color=2e3192]"Hmph. A simple question - yes, I do know how. In exchange, I'll ask you a stranger question: is a creature worthy without virtue?"[/color] [hider=Sample Post (in progress)] He sometimes wondered if pain was a virtue. It was certainly prolific enough. "W-why?" whispered the old man, his breath tired from both age and the last few rounds of screaming. An excellent question, as if the man had read his mind... but one that there was sadly little point in answering. There was too much history to it, after all, and history was wasted on those who would not live to make use of its lessons. [/hider]