[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200801/1feff4d45c38eae1315e288c427dc5a6.png[/img][/center] Eclipse felt a grin creep across his face at the idea of sneaking out. It had been years since he'd actually done it since once he got older his parents cared a little bit less about where he was every second of the day. Well, until now anyway. He watched the guards pass by them staring at them curiously, and he made sure to keep his voice low, [color=ed1c24][b]"Just like old times right."[/b][/color] He bounded after Skua as he led them up a narrow staircase that he thought they may have used when they were smaller. He certainly didn't remember the walls being so close together. If he remembered correctly it lead to a little used watch tower that was hidden slightly out of sight from the regular routes that the guards took on their patrols. As the sunlight hit his eyes he paused even after both Skua and Dreamseeker had leapt from the top of the tower into the beautiful morning sky. He glanced back towards the palace, an intense feeling of regret sweeping through him as he thought of what his parents would do when they realized he was gone. Ultimately this would be for the best. They'd find out what happened and he would be able to come home to a much happier sight. One without war. At Dreamseeker's call his head snapped back around and he pushed the worries from his mind. He couldn't help but grin at the barely hidden excitement that slipped into her voice. [color=ed1c24][b]"Coming!"[/b][/color] This would be an exciting journey for them, his worries could come later. He took one step back before leaping off the tower. He let his own excitement bubble over as he looped above the other's heads before soaring over to join them as they began the journey away from the Sky Kingdom.