[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/the-capone-gang-bege-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200420/030cdff421f7888c6535769bfc70380d.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr] While Lyss had made the drive from Miami to Tampa only months before, she wasn’t eager to make a round trip on her speedster to Miami and back so soon. Especially because her speedster would stick out like a sore thumb in the city she’d fled. She didn’t mind carpooling with one of the girls who had a car, but she wasn’t excited to be stuck in a vehicle with some of her sisters for four to five hours. Hell, she wasn’t even comfortable with going to Miami in the first place. She’d have to be extra careful where she showed her face in the city, and she’d need to be prepared to dip out if she was spotted by anyone from her past. These thoughts only made the already uncomfortable car ride even worse. Lyss sat in the passenger seat next to Madison, with her sunglasses on and her eyes on the Florida scenery the entire ride. If anyone was paying attention, they may have noticed that she was on edge. She’d never admit the truth. Not unless she knew she was in danger. Instead would blame it on something like claustrophobia, car sickness, or just the white lie that she didn’t want to carpool in the first place but didn’t feel like driving herself. Thankfully none of them seemed to be in a chatty mood. She’d picked the perfect car to ride in. If anyone had actually said anything during the ride she probably wouldn’t have noticed anyways. She was too busy thinking about how this could play out, and what they would expect from the Dollhouse anyways. She didn’t expect the transaction to be as simple as trading money for a cure. There had to be a catch. There was always something shady in any black market deal. She already wanted to warn the group about her worries, but she was also prepared to help with the deal and watch the girls backs in case it went to shit. She had no idea if any of them had ever experienced the black market before, but she was assuming that they hadn’t. Surely they had their own concerns about this. Then again, how would she explain how she knew all of this? Could she tell them her history in Miami without losing their trust completely? She wasn’t sure. As Madison spoke up to break the silence, Lyss was torn from her thoughts. She looked around at the group as if she’d just woken from a nap and shifted in her spot. Her ass was starting to hurt from sitting in the car for so long, but it beat riding a speedster for hours. Fortunately the answer to her prayers happened after she listened to Madison and Grace talk. Lyss was more than relieved that they were stopping for a break. She needed to walk around a bit and grab something to drink. While everyone else got out and either headed inside, talked to the others, or kept sleeping like Mariah, Lyss stepped out and stretched her arms above her head. She looked around the station’s parking lot. It was just an average town, but she was on edge enough to ensure that there were no suspicious eyes nearby. Once she was satisfied with the conditions, Lyss grabbed her wallet from the front seat. She made her way into the store, sunglasses still on, taking a glance at those inside before she headed straight to the coffee ymachine. As she grabbed a paper cup from the stack, she heard Mariah talking with the clerk. They were flirting. Lyss smirked softly as she filled the coffee to the brim. She popped a lid on it. It didn’t matter if it had cream and sugar in it or not. Lyss just wanted the bitter taste and the caffeine. On her way up to the front, she also grabbed a bag of powdered donuts. [color=D3D3D3] “What are you gonna do if you win big?”[/color] She asked Mariah as she walked up to the counter. The clerk, a little offput that someone had interrupted his attempt to get a number, set to ringing up Lyss’s coffee and snack. Lyss offered Mariah a smile, and she would have winked if she wasn’t wearing sunglasses. [color=D3D3D3] “Are you going to treat us to drinks in Miami if you do?”[/color]