[hr][color=0054a6][sup][h1] [center][img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYzQxNTEyMmUtZTZkZS00ZWNmLTljYWItM2VmYWNiNmYyODU0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTM3MDMyMDQ@._V1_.jpg [/img][/center] [b][center][color=0054a6]Hades[/color][/center][/b] [/h1][/sup][/color][indent][sub][COLOR=0054a6][I] Unknown Location, SEATTLE[/I][/COLOR][/sub][/indent][indent][sup][right][COLOR=0054a6][b]GOD OF The Dead[/b][/color][/right][/sup][/indent][hr] The sound grunts and pain bounced off the walls of the old cellar never being able to escape to the outside. A man bruised and bloodied from all angles sat by himself tied to an old wood chair doing his best to regain his composure during this brief moment in between beatings. As the man let out labored breaths another much younger man squatted down in front of his face gripping tight to a baseball bat. “Just admit to it Bobby and all this can end.” not receiving an answer the younger man stood from his squatted position and began pacing around the room resting the bat on his shoulder as he continued to speak. “You know from what I hear the boss ain't happy in the slightest to hear about this. But I mean who could blame him.” As he finished the statement the bat suddenly left its resting place but quickly found a new one against the Bobbys arms currently stuck behind the chair. “We can do this all fucking night,” he said trying his best to be louder than the man's screams of pain. “We got nowhere else to be and ain't no one coming to save you.” As he finished this exclamation the metal door slowly slid open revealing a rather well dressed old man who looked as though they didn't belong in such a place. As soon as the man stepped foot into the old cellar everything seemed to stop. “Mr. Giovanni. What are you doing here?” someone finally spoke up not sure as to why such a high ranking member would show his face at a time like this, especially considering they hadn’t broken the old bastard yet. “Clean him up for me will you,” Giovanni said continuing to look upon the poor man who had no idea what he had brought onto himself. His words were direct, never letting a chance for a question not that anyone would dare question the man anyway. After all to disobey an underboss like Giovanni was a death sentence. “And once you're done with that please step outside. He would like to see our guest personally.” the way Giovanni emphasized He, there was no doubt in anyone's mind who that meant. [hr] As Hades stepped into the door he was greeted by only two people. Giovanni who was currently leaning on a few crates before he stood up as a form of respect. And Bobby who was currently less bloody having been washed but still nowhere near presentable for the public. Giving Giovanni a nod, Hades stepped closer but waited to talk until the door behind him was closed once again. [color=0054a6]“I'm very disappointed in you Mr. young.”[/color] Hades finally spoke as he began to pace around the room. [color=0054a6]“May I ask why you found it fit to try and betray your brothers?”[/color] “I.. I.. I don't know what you're talking about.” [color=0054a6]“Come now Mr. Young please don't take me for an idiot.”[/color] by this point Hades had made it halfway around the man and was now out of sight continuing to look at the poor bastard who was practically shivering with fear. [color=0054a6]“If I didn't already know about what you did, the fear itself would be a dead give away. All I want to know is. Why? That's it.”[/color] as Hades finished his statement he rested a hand on the man's shoulder feeling him tense up out of fear. [color=0054a6]“Did I not pay enough, is that it? Greed to fill your own pockets while you sent your only family to their doom.”[/color] “Look I didn't know” After hearing the blatant lie Hades let go of the man's shoulder as he made his way around to the front so he could look at the man. Once he had made his way around and taken a seat in a chair just in front of Mr. Young Hades let his gaze settle. [color=0054a6]“Would you care to repeat that?”[/color] he asked in a dark tone. [color=0054a6]“And before you speak I highly suggest you not lie to me again.”[/color] “Look I.. I.. I didn't know what else to do ok. They said they had dirt and this was my only way out.” The man said as he hung his head in defeat seemingly finally been broken. “Please, I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt the family.” [color=0054a6]“See was that so hard? Admitting to your own sins makes things so much easier doesn't it?”[/color] as Hades said this he began to walk around the back of the man's chair. Pulling out a knife Hades cut the rope that was currently holding Young's arms on the back of the chair. As the man stood up from the chair he had just spent the night getting beaten, Hades reached into his suit jacket pulling out a single photograph tossing it to the ground clearly visible to both of them. Once young looked at the picture his body immensely stiffened once again at the realization of what it meant. The picture showed him meeting with an agent he had agreed to work with and receiving some form of payment. Before he was even able to fully turn around Hades already had him pinned to the wall and had begun to slowly lift him by the collar. [color=0054a6]“You're going to pay for your sins, Mr. Young.”[/color] Hades' voice became much darker much like the room whose lights had begun to dim. Already confused by what was Happening Young looked into the face of pure fear as Hades' eyes glowed a deep red only able to let out a scream of pain. [hr] As He stepped out of the cellar and into the crisp night air Hades took in a deep breath. Adjusting his suit slightly he made his way to the car awaiting him. Entering the rather nice vehicle Hades was greeted with Giovanni seated across from him. “I assume it went well.” [color=0054a6]“Of course. But always sad when you get betrayed by one of your own.”[/color] Hades paused for a second before reaching for the photo once again and handing it to Giovanni. [color=0054a6]“Dump the body but make sure this is on it. I want to send a message to them that this will not be tolerated. And tell Alexander to meet me as soon as possible.” [/color]