Decided to work on a CS for one my OCs. It's still a WIP though. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [hider=Meira Rystaliuskal]Appearance: [url=][img][/img][/url] Apparel: [url=][img][/img][/url] Demigod Form: [url=][img][/img][/url] Name: Meira Rystaliuskal Age: 17 Race: Sindel Pure Blood Gender: Female Alignment: Neutral Good Title: Princess of the Graceful Wind Nationality: Windgracian PoB: Space Colony #12 Rank: Blue Empyrean Knights Commander Academy: Windgracian Magical Academy of Arts and Strategy Skill Type: Virtue Class: Lune Knight Mount: Pegasus Mount's Name: Scarlet Interests:Swordplay, tournaments and arenas,, furry animals, beautiful scenery, love stories, artifacts, ruins and adventure. Favorite Interest: Swordplay Dislikes: Arrogance, ignorance neglect to others, showboats,evil, the nickname Mei-Mei (Only Miia is allowed to call her this), anything that smells bad and anyone who is disorganized or a sloth. Love Interest: Meira has very strict interests for what she wants in a man. She wants a man who that is both courageous and willing to lay their lives on the line for others, but also a man who is not a martyr and understands the true meaning of life and the painful choice that sacrifice can unveil. She also wants a man who will treat her for who she is and not for what they want her to be. She does not wish to be treated special or given any special treatment and expects her lover to respect that trait about her. She also wants a man who is both interesting, can be romantic at times, a gentlemen not so much as to cater to all her everyday needs moreover just to show they respect her for the lady she is, one who can be easy to get along with and enthusiastic and full of spirit and vigor. A man who will treat her to what she has interests and tries to adapt toward her interests while she tries to cope with their own choices. This man has to be very intelligent and serious about their decisions. She does not like people who make jokes, joke around or try to be playful at times that mean life and death. She doesn't mind them being comical and funny, but they must also know when it is time to be serious. This person also must have common sense and know what they are doing. She doesn't want to babysit or pamper someone either. This is why most aristocratic types tend to not interest her at all. This man would also have to be charming and very understanding. One who would tried to fine a way to resolve conflict without unnecessary conflict or disputes. They can't be a brute and think brute force is everything and also have to respective toward the wisdom gained from examining the situation and deciding what action is appropriate. Their looks aren't as appealing toward her as their intelligence and decisiveness. They must also not be over-protective of her and respect the fact she can defend for herself without their influence. She appreciates their concern and honors it by trusting them, but only asks in return that they allow her to be herself. She has no interest in over sensitive types or babies who cry all the time. She doesn't mind people who are at the feel of loos when it is necessary, but those who can't control their emotions don't interest her at all. She also really doesn't care about their background. As long as they are true to their heart that is all she can ask for and a follower in justice making sure order is always maintained. She does have empathy, but can also be a bit cold at times too. She has a warm smile and a motherly touch at times. She can act like a mother at times too only to express her concern over someone especially if they're important to her. She hates people who take advantage of her and will strike anyone down that tries to do so. Person of Interest: Lucent'phelias Ghislaine Fiance/Spouse: N/A Bestfriend: Ranathia Rival: Reinforce Silverton Most Hated Word: chick Religion: Deity Worship Idol God: Sigma, Goddess of All-Creation Holy Blood: *Euphoria - Goddess of Mortal World Destruction Stellvia - Goddess of Space-Time Continuum Eiluned - God of Force Sigma - Goddess of All-Creation Aira - Goddess of the Reverse World Altair - God of Destiny Arcturus - God of Power Main Holy Blood Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Meleitling ~ shown in her appearance. Opposite: Ranathia Quote: I'm tired of being treated like someone special. I just want to live my life normal like everyone else in society. I'm no more special than any other common person. Important Value in Life: Romance Favorite Food: Spicy Miso Household Name: Rystaliuskal Ancestry: -Parents and Immediate Family- Mother - Melianth Primavalthera (Pronounced KIA) Father - Rhinehart Primavalthera (MIA) Sisters - Alexuatha Primavalthera (MIA) Brothers - Reinzaert Primavalthera -Other Relatives- Grandfather: Azmaldus Rystaliuskal Uncle: Reishin Primavalthera Ambition: Meira's only ambition is to create a world meaning Gaea in which everyone can live peacefully in conflict hoping that they will all soon learn to coexist with one another. Her ideal goal is to unify everyone's hearts and tried to pull them altogether so that they work together in harmony and trust each other. Sin Guilty of Most: Envy Combat Style: Kendo, Savate, French/German fencing style, zweihander style. Swift/deadly assassin strike. Weapon preference: Swords/Katanas/Throwing Knives Weapon Name: Meleitling (Strange unusual sword with mystic powers rumored to be one of the many godslaying weapons) ~ shown in her appearance. Secondary Weapon: Tsukiyo (Stands for "Moon Dust" and is a long styled Japanese katana.) ~ shown in her apparel. Third Weapon: Throwing Knives (She hides these in places where the hands wouldn't dare touch or face the pain.) ~ Japanese ninja style throwing knives. Magic Systems: Psyagonics, Glyph Magic, Psionics and Holy Magic. Element: Omni-elemental Weakness: Mountain Magical Rank: C+ Special Skills: Blossoming Magic, Virtuous Influence,,Persona Releasal, Mental Repulsion, Spatial Manipulation, Vow of Embrace, Magic Sword Creation and Purging Sword Euthanasia. Blossoming Magic - This allows Meira to allow anyone under the influence of her own aura to grant them the ability to use magic or magical abilities that pertain toward her for a short amount of time. This also depletes both her Elan and Lifeforce when she uses it which will ultimately lower her vitality over time. Virtuous Influence - This is a special skill granted to her through her skill type Virtue. This skill type allows her to raise her magical prowess and amplify her magical capabilities while it is active. Persona Releasal - This ability allows Meira to make one or more duplicates of herself, but the more she makes the weaker they become. Spatial Manipulation - This ability allows Meira to have the influence over a space or area and manipulate with her abilities. Vow of Embrace - This ability allows Meira to raise the attack power of her allies and herself through Virtuous Influence, but it also lowers her vitality at the sametime. Magic Sword Creation - This ability allows Meira to create any elemental magic sword that she desires. *Purging Sword Euthanasia - This ability allows Meira temporarily to summon the creator's sword and utilize it in battle. Though the use of its holy powers is very hazardous to her health and she can only maintain the summoning effect for a short amount of time. ~shown in her appearance demigod form. *indicates that this is just an extension of her Magic Sword Creation Personality: Meira is both a beautiful and very intelligent girl. She is both versed in the art of combat along with the art of strategy. She has a sharp tongue when it comes to those who she does not trust and sometimes a hot-head that tends to get her into trouble. She is a bit defensive when it comes to approaching people in battle she doesn't know, because of her fear of betrayal. Once you earned her trust, she is quite a kind and loving individual to be around. She can be a bit strict when it comes to being your superior, but she only wants to ensure discipline. She has obsession for spicy foods with them being her favorite and her loves for sweets is typical of a young girl. Biography: Daughter of both Dragon Heart Rhinehart and Miracle Melianth both legends of the legendary Gaelan War. Her father Rhinehart disappeared when she was still an infant and her mother was reportedly killed by Ariesu. After the disappearance of her father and the loss of her mother she was taken in by Windgrace’s ruler Erialyss as one of her own. Despite being a descendant of the Rystaliuskal family line and her being a princess of the former Valdarian Empire, Erialyss raised Meira as if she were one of her own children. Meira when she became old enough where she could think for herself, enrolled in the Windgracian Academy alongside her rival Ranathia. Meira like Ranathia both studied the art of combat and the art of strategy. While she attended the academy, she met her sword instructor who had the same color eyes as she did and kept his appearance mostly covered for reasons unknown. Meira trained in both the famous Primavaltherian and Rystaliuskian sword styles. When she graduated the academy at the age of sixteen, she then was pronounced a member of a newly formed house. Meira became the first member of the Rystaliuskalian House. Her house is located in a fortress city skyward outside the Kingdom of Windgrace known as Teyra Solaris where upon she was pronounced by Archduke Valerius of Arman E’Reiza as the Duchess of Teyra Solaris. Her rival who would become her friend after they attended the academy together Ranathia became a member of her brother’s house Primavalthera. Her beautiful appearance and elegant nature earned her the nickname Princess of the Graceful Wind. Upon intrusion of the Rudorian nation into vital Guardia territory and the utilization of demoniac aggressions, she was deployed as the leader of the group known as the Blue Empyrean Knights. The Blue Empyrean Knights was a special group of knights with ancient like powers that both Erialyss and Meira formed to deal with the demoniac threat. Joining in a joint alliance with the nation of Lumina, she went to the aid of the Guardian people. Using her mysterious powers and her godslaying sword she destroyed the demon insurgence and helped unify the land of Guardia from the tyrannous Rudoria Kingdom lead by the evil mistress Izmeralda. After the Demon Siege of Ereis Eisan, Meira has entrusted herself and her Blue Empyrean Knights in the care of the King of Guardia Razhard at request of Queen Erialyss. She has taken up refuge inside the capital of Guardia Ereis Eisan and assists in the training and the strategical planning of the counter offensive Razhard plans to launch on his evil mother. She isn’t alone in her travels, she is also now accompanied by her bestfriend Ranathia who joined the Blue Empyrean Knights after the prowess Meira showed her during the Demon Siege of Ereis Eisan. Both together as emissaries from Windgrace, work together to strike back at the Kingdom of Rudoria and remove the queen from power working with the Guardian forces. HP 37 - (10) + (15) = 42 EP 29 - (10) + (6) = 25 Str 22 + (6) + (5) = 33 Def 4 + (4) + (5) = 13 Mag 20 + (6) + (3) = 29 Int 10 + (4) + (3) = 17 Spd 20 + (3) + (1) = 24 Skl 17 + (3) + (1) = 21 Luk 10 + (3) + (1) = 14 [/hider]