[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200801/1feff4d45c38eae1315e288c427dc5a6.png[/img][/center] Eclipse ducked down as the leader reared up to take another swing with the spear, unleashing a torrent of flame onto the exposed underbelly of the large SandWing who let out a roar of pain and rage before slamming the spear downwards where it met with Eclipse's shoulder. Letting out a matching roar of rage he wrenched himself free, the spear tearing a jagged line across his scales. [color=ed1c24][i]He's much bigger than me. No way I can overpower him, but I've probably got more brains than all three of these idiots put together.[/i][/color] He quickly feinted to the right and when the spear struck where he would've been he took the chance to latch his jaws onto the arm that held it, feeling bone break between his teeth. With a cry the spear fell into the sand. He could hear Skua fighting with one of the others, insults and curses flying between the two as they grappled for the upper hand. He frantically looked for Dreamseeker who was smaller than all of them, only to notice her latching into the side of the SandWing that Skua had been fighting, and her own combatant...defeated already? [color=ed1c24][i]How did she do that?[/i][/color] He was forced to bring his attention back to the leader as he snarled, one leg now useless, and swung the barb on his tail towards Eclipse's side forcing him to leap out of the way as it swung wide. The two prowled around each other until the SandWing lunged forward again and knocked Eclipse clean off his feet into the hot sand, [color=919191][b]"Got you now you little freak."[/b][/color] He cried out in pain as the sharp claws sunk into his neck and chest. His movement was severely limited but he struck out with one back leg; knocking the SandWing's own out from under him. Using the opportunity he flipped their positions and unleashed a jet of flame directly into the leader's face. As he pulled back, feeling slightly sick as the SandWing screamed and writhed on the ground; scrabbling at his eyes in an attempt to get the searing pain to stop, he heard Skua's roar of agony and Dreamseeker scream out his friend's name. He saw the blood dripping from the barbed tip of the female SandWing's tail and running down Skua's leg, [color=ed1c24][b]"No! Skua!"[/b][/color] All the pain he was feeling shifted quickly to panic and then rage shortly after as Skua staggered back and the female SandWing pushed Dreamseeker away preparing to flee. She flapped her wings but before she could get high into the air Eclipse slammed into her with a bellowing roar; digging his claws into the thin membrane of her wing and shredding it. She couldn't get away, he had no idea what to do about SandWing venom, and he wouldn't loose anyone else he cared about. As they both fell back into the sand he pinned her barbed tail under one back foot and his front claws driven into her shoulder and neck, not enough to kill her, but certainly enough to cause pain. His eyes were bright with rage as he glared down at the SandWing. [color=ed1c24][i]She hurt his friend. She'd pay for that.[/i][/color] His teeth bared close to her snout, [color=ed1c24][b]"How do we help him?"[/b][/color] She just grinned at him, teeth coated in blood, before spitting directly into his face. Eclipse felt another flash of rage as he slammed all of his weight down onto the claws in her throat and felt her body go limp under him. He could see Skua's face painted with agony as he rushed towards him, and turned to Dreamseeker, [color=ed1c24][b]"What do we do? There has to be something!"[/b][/color]