Magus Xavier looked up a Kho with an expression that might have been bemusement. Given the otherworldly quality his burning eyes possessed, it was difficult to tell much of anything from his expression at all. He was seated relatively near the dais, in the company of a few other Sorcerers from their Cult, and had was clearly in the midst of enjoying the spread. A few empty plates were stacked in front of him, and he seemed to currently be working on the drumstick of some sort of roasted fowl. A large, brass goblet of water was positioned in front of him, with the hes he was filling it from positioned within arm's reach. "[color=da680f]It's no trouble. Come, have a seat.[/color]" Xavier's voice rumbled deep in his chest, but did not seem as unearthly as his gaze. He pulled out the chair next to him and set another goblet in front of it, which he then filled with water from the hes without Kho's asking. "[color=da680f]I noticed you were making new acquaintances, and felt no need to interrupt. I'm surprised you've set your sights so high so early, though, my young Novitiate.[/color]" Xavier teased, grinning at Kho. Though the expression was probably meant to put him at ease, Xavier's eyes made it seem as sinister as any other expression he wore. Kho took the seat he was offered with a thankful bow of his head. This guy seemed less intimidating than he should up close, at least. Though that could've just been because he was less imposing when seated. He took a sip from his goblet before responding, grateful for the drink in the midday heat, not to mention the stress-inducing conversation he'd just been through. [color=ff5c33]"Ah, I can't take much credit for that. I was sort of dragged into that discussion by one of the novitiates' curious younger sister. Who also garnered the attention of Magister Khalophis, apparently,"[/color] Kho confessed, shrinking in his chair as he spoke. Xavier laughed as he sipped from his cup, setting it down and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "[color=da680f]It may behoove you to try and relax. This will certainly not be the last absurdity you encounter as a Sorcerer, and it will do you no good to twist yourself into knots over every peculiar situation you find yourself in. I know it sounds easier said than done, especially given the house you were raised in, but given enough time I hope you will find life as a Sorcerer liberating. It's impossible to completely escape the political machine,[/color]" He added, shrugging, "[color=da680f]But as long as you are diligent and professional, it will never seriously hinder you.[/color]" Yeah, relaxing would definitely do Kho some good. At this rate he'd have gray hairs by the end of the year. At the risk of appearing impolite, the boy kept his gaze on the water in his cup - easier to imagine Xavier as a pudgy uncle giving life advice when one couldn't see his face. [color=ff5c33]"That's probably wise, yes. I'm not really versed on the proper decorum here and I didn't want to step on anyone's toes,"[/color] he explained, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, [color=ff5c33]"but everyone else seems content enough with informality, so I think I might be worrying over nothing."[/color] At the very least, he had the 'diligent and professional' part down. Mostly. "[color=da680f]Set your expectations, test your approach, review your results, determine what you must change, and then start over again.[/color]" Xavier prattled on between bites of his meal. "[color=da680f]That's standard practice among Sorcerers, as you'll come to learn.[/color]" He washed down his food with more water, and refilled his cup. "[color=da680f]But we can speak more on that tomorrow. Discussing work while eating gives you indigestion.[/color]" He looked back at Kho, appraising him seriously with his burning gaze. "[color=da680f]Expectations and decorum aside, how are [i]you[/i] feeling, Khotanabre? Is this what you want?[/color]" How was Kho feeling? Nervous. Like he'd made an ass of himself all day. Way out of his league. But that was all over expectations and decorum. It sounded pointless when the Magus spelled it out like that. [color=ff5c33]"I'm feeling... good. Excited, I guess. Definitely eager. I aim to please, in any case,"[/color] he mused, fussing with a stray lock of hair that had gotten tangled in his circlet. The redhead thought on the question for a moment more before letting out a soft chuckle, [color=ff5c33]"I guess that still sounds like I'm not relaxed. I'll settle in, I'm sure of it."[/color] Familarity was all he needed to get over his nerves, but his primary concern needed to be magic now. The fact that he managed to forget that was probably the only social blunder he'd made today that he actually felt bad about in retrospect. "[color=da680f]It'll come with time,[/color]" Xavier assured him, "[color=da680f]Fretting over it won't do you any good.[/color]" He reiterated, before setting the defleshed drumstick down on his now-empty plate. "[color=da680f]In any case, you've done your due dilligence with me. Go join your family, let them fawn over you for a while yet. I'll meet you tomorrow in front of our Cult's pyramid at dawn.[/color]" He poked Kho in the chest with a thick finger. "[color=da680f]Be ready, boy.[/color]" That was it? Kho was getting dismissed that easily? That was much less stressful than he thought it would be. The boy flinched a bit at the prodding, but quickly composed himself to nod in understanding. He forced himself to meet Xavier's burning gaze as he replied, [color=ff5c33]"Of course, Magus."[/color] Standing from his seat, he adjusted his cloak and gave a quick bow to the other sorcerers nearby on the off-chance he'd interrupted anything. [color=ff5c33]"Pardon me,"[/color] He muttered quickly before departing, ignoring the muffled snickering coming from the avian voice ringing through his mind like a creeping headache. That bird was enjoying this more than he was, at this rate.