[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/FKJKRczH/the-gifted-591b350cc9ba7.png[/img][/center][hr][center][@Nallore][@BlueSky44][@Achronum][@Trainerblue192][@KazAlkemi][@Framing A Moose][@Kirah][/center][hr][hr][center][color=f7941d][b]February 17th, 2021 - 9:10 AM[/b][/color][/center][hr][hider=M-Pox - Check This Hider Each Time!]Mutant Underground: [list][*]Casper - mild symptoms (+)(+) [*]Spark Plug - [color=f7941d]mild symptoms[/color] [*]Jack - [color=f7941d]mild symptoms[/color] [*]Max - [color=f7941d]moderate symptoms[/color] [*]Glimpse - [color=f7941d]severe symptoms[/color][/list] Hellfire Club/Misc.: [list][*]Emma Frost - [color=f7941d]severe symptoms[/color] [*]Vulcan - [color=f7941d]severe symptoms [/color] [*]Legion - moderate symptoms [*]Morgan - [color=f7941d]moderate symptoms[/color][/list] Mild Symptoms: Headache, some splotchiness of the skin, fatigue and exhaustion Moderate Symptoms: Difficulty breathing, dizziness, vomiting, blood shot eyes, prominent veins Severe Symptoms: Vomiting blood, trouble walking, bleeding from the ears, extreme skin discoloration, general looniness [/hider] [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=DBA1DE]Casper Theriot[/color][/b][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/6DFvvY7.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=DBA1DE]Location:[/color][/b] Mutant Underground: Jack and Casper (and James)'s Room [b][color=DBA1DE]Skills:[/color][/b] Mediumship [hr][/center] Casper's mind was far too groggy to process what was going on. He had been about to drift off to sleep again, hopefully to reawaken shortly with waffles, when there was a large [i]BANG BANG BANG![/i] on the door. Someone was screaming something about Jack. He couldn't even remember who the voice belonged to, as Casper was so sleepy he barely knew his own name at the moment. Dying of M-Pox really took it out of him. Thankfully, his genius boyfriend was able to supply helpful details - unfortunately, those details meant that Ben had been right and he really did need to get out of bed. [color=DBA1DE]"Urgh... He probably just rejected her or something. Jack's the worst kind of slut,"[/color] Casper groaned. He rolled out of bed - quite literally, hitting the ground hard enough to bruise. He was all tangled up in the sheets, completely nude otherwise. He hadn't recalled going to bed naked, but he usually woke up to find his clothes on the ground so it wasn't entirely unexpected. [color=DBA1DE]"Yeah, I should have stayed in bed, that was an amazing idea,"[/color] he admitted, stumbling to his feet. The sheets had twisted around him and looked like a toga. [color=DBA1DE]"Ooo, I'm Caesar! Hail me, James, and I'll not let the lions eat you in the arena."[/color] He hopped in his get up on over to the door and opened it up, thankfully his private parts were well covered. [color=DBA1DE]"Whaaaat iiiiiis it? I haven't had my waffles yet,"[/color] he complained. [i]"I told you so,"[/i] Ben said with a sigh. [i]"I told you Jack did something and now Waverley is going to tell you the same thing."[/i] [color=DBA1DE]"Shhh, Ben, I can't hear Waverley not tell me what's going on!"[/color][hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=935DB8]Veil[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.imgur.com/QB6SRnc.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=935DB8]Location:[/color][/b] Mutant Underground: Veil and Sapphire's Room [b][color=935DB8]Skills:[/color][/b] Perception [hr][/center] Veil nodded at Sapphire, running a hand through her wild mane of curls. [color=935DB8]"Yeah, just processing things. I'll live. And if I don't, well, I guess it won't be my problem then,"[/color] she said with a bit of a weak laugh. She did tend to be rather blunt and honest, but Veil wasn't in the mood to share her feelings. She didn't really know what there was to say or talk about. People had died on her watch and it was her fault no matter what anyone said. There just wasn't anything to discuss. Of course, they'd need to provide funeral arrangements for Cayden and find out if he had any next of kin to send his body to... But those conversations would have to wait. Someone was screaming bloody murder. She briefly noted that Sapphire's hair wasn't its usual ice blonde and decided to ask about it later, as she quickly stepped around her roommate and friend to go out into the hall proper. She was dressed in a hoodie and sweats, the only pair of PJ's that she owned. The knees both had gigantic holes on them and the fabric was discolored in various spots from old stains. [color=935DB8]"What's going on?"[/color] Veil asked. [color=935DB8]"Feedback - everything okay? Are you injured? Do I need to go pummel someone?"[/color] There still wasn't a peep from Havok and Polaris. [color=935DB8]"Uh, Casper? Please put some pants on."[/color] [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=#DAF7A6]Sunshine[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.imgur.com/Tno0CtP.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=#DAF7A6]Location:[/color][/b] Jack's Office [b][color=#DAF7A6]Skills:[/color][/b] People Reading [hr][/center] Sunshine looked at Jack suspiciously, her eyes darting between him and the box of doughnuts. Her stomach growled loudly, making its plea for her to accept the food from him. He had always been pretty nice to her and she had gotten used to having him around - not that she thought of him as her father, even if that was biologically the case. Her hand darted out rapidly and she snatched a doughnut from the box, as if moving slower than possible would somehow result in serious bodily harm. She shoved the doughnut into her mouth and ate it in three big bites, swallowing thickly. There was one plus side to all of this - the bizarreness of the situation was distracting her from thinking about Magik. [color=#DAF7A6]"What happened, Hufflepuff?"[/color] she asked him warily. Someone had come into her room and drugged her, only for her to turn up in Jack's office. Her eyes narrowed. [color=#DAF7A6]"Did Purifiers get in or something? If they did, I'm going to kill them. You always say I need to practice my powers more anyways so..."[/color] Something was off about Jack, though. He looked gross - probably from the M-Pox, that or she figured he might not know how to shower properly. That wasn't what was bothering her though, she was used to people not smelling the greatest or looking a bit out of sorts. She couldn't place it, but something was different about him.