Hey all. I realized yesterday that I was struggling a bit with how the overall party was forming up (the main thing being that everyone was too disconnected in one way or another from Uther's kingdom). I chatted with a couple folks and we're going to run a bit of an experiment with Thanqol changing his character to one prepared for him to explore how he can play with being typecast. For Stveje, I'd like to ask if we can start Nin's story with her already having explored the kingdom a bit. I think the game will flow better if the characters aren't completely new to the world they're exploring (and anyway the premise is that they all start the game knowing that Uther is a problem and they're the ones to stop him). I know you're not as familiar with the overall Arthurian setting, so here are a few ideas of ways that Nin might be connected to the bigger kingdom. Feel free to modify these or do something different, they're just for inspiration. [list] [*] Nin was attacked by a wild beast/bandits/something when she was first traveling and rescued by a knight. The knight took Nin back to her keep to recover, and in gratitude, Nin did odd jobs for the family and returned there several times after her travels. She's seeing the fortunes of that family suffer under Uther and taken it on herself to stop him. [*] Nin has actually been traveling for a while and was inspired by a younger, healthier Uther and the beautiful kingdom that he had, perhaps even visiting Camelot and emulating some of the chivalry of his court. She's started to see changes though and hear dark things and is resolved to fix the problem. [*] Nin has been to several villages and loves the kind of simple life that many of the peasant farmers lead, so different from the frustration she's had with her own people. Maybe she even dreams of getting her own piece of land and settling down somewhere, eventually. But with the way things are going, she's worried about the villages she knows. [/list]