Stel blanched as she heard the instructions from the COO. She quickly took off a glove and pressed her five fingers to a screen to the right behind her, activating Michael's inner, smaller engine. She put her glove back on and finally donned her helmet, the only part of her outfit still from Pluto, which scanned her head and eyes to ensure that she was indeed the pilot. With that the controls lit up and she flipped several switches behind her to remotely activate the "Can Opener" to close the entry port of the armament. The switches slid back to into the wall to avoid being hit again during use of the Orbital, and as the port closed the inner mech recognized that the METATRON was attached, activating the armament's own engine and dropping that of the inner mech to minimum output simultaneously. The various hexagonal screens in front of and to the sides of Stel lit up, the center seven combining and displaying a small sprite version of a grayed out Michael. A sprite of the METATRON slowly descended onto it, then grayed itself out as well. She checked her comms first, and once they were active and working correctly she flipped their switch and the sprite's "ears," for lack of a better word, lit up black and red. Next, she checked the visuals, the other screens lighting up to give her a 160 degree vision, with some of the hexagons viewing to the sides and behind her for a further increase in awareness. The eyes lit up green on the sprite and the actual Orbital. The capacitors were next, all full, causing the rest of the head of the sprite to turn black and red. Double checking and confirming the Oberth Reactor turned the left arm the correct colors of the Orbital. Once she made sure that the mechanics' walkways were out of the way and nobody was standing in the way, she activated the wheels in the feet for a moment confirming that they were in an operational state and causing the feet to light up on her screen. Stepping forward a few steps combined with running a diagnosis on the legs lit them up as well. Finally, she clenched the FLAME arm's hand a few times and popped an energy canister into place, lighting up the right arm and the cockpit as well now that a full check had been done. The sprite disappeared from her screen and the hexagon it was on split back into seven smaller ones, taking the visuals from the ones just outside of it which themselves were replaced with radar, comms, ammunition/fuel, a simple "Friendly," "Neutral," and "Hostile" which listed a number by each of them, a duplicated of the center hexagon with those same terms that showed up when she looked at something, and a small representation of the METATRON with various pieces listed at 0% in green. Stel sighed. Everything was working correctly, but she still had to do some pre-flight work. She opened a comm channel to the engineer who handed her the helmet she was wearing and hooked her PDA into a port below her on the cockpit's "seat." [color=92278f]"Hey, can I get the friendlies data and data on the boosters?"[/color] she asked. "On their way." A few seconds later, the number next to "Friendly" rose to include all the other Orbitals on the radar and another number appeared in parenthesis to list the number of living people in the same range. Similarly, the small depiction of the Orbital now had several boosters attached to it, each with a green 0% as well, and the fuel screen added a new number and percentage below the standard ones to signify the boosters. She leaned forward, resting her stomach on the "seat" as it was meant to be piloted, ready for action. [color=92278f]"Thanks. I'll need the timing for the booster too. I've... I've never used them before."[/color] The engineer sighed loud enough for Stel to hear causing her to flinch. He rattled off some flight jargon and instructions that Stel was luckily able to understand and she gave a thumbs up with the Orbital's left hand. She carefully stepped forwards to be behind Fox and his Exo-Frame, a pit forming in her stomach from apprehension.