[hider=Claim][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/749534311744536641/750950776398151780/qaQaMMv.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Ruler][hider=Ruler][img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/011/263/722/4k/kyle-pearson-asset.jpg?1528684687[/img][/hider] Name: Aurora the Radiant, The Sky Monarch Race: Winged Angelic Description: The people of the Sky Lands are a fiercely independent people who do not always think they need a queen, but are always thankful when the need for a monarch arises. Aurora is of the same mindset even though she is one of the blessed who was granted wings that only a few angelic are gifted with. She prefers to be called the monarch of the angelic people in name alone as she tends to try and pass her duties onto those that serve her while she spends her time traveling between the many islands that make up her domain. Aurora is not the biggest angelic standing at only 5'5" but the four wings on her back easily make up for her size as they draw the attention of onlookers as they shine like the sun is within them. This is rare even among the small population of winged angelic and is believed to be a sign of being chosen by their Goddess, Kalinma when even just being born with wings is already a blessing of Kalinma. Attributes: Charm: 1 Lore: 3 Might: 2 Skill: 1 Focus: Aurora has no interest in wars with the nations that live below the Sky lands, but that has not stopped her from learning battle magic and protection magic. Foible: Aurora is not a normal ruler as like all angelic, she is drawn to being adventurous and takes risks. This has caused her many troubles as she shirks her abilities as a ruler and procrastinates a lot. She is a natural disaster when dealing with diplomacy as there are not many emissaries from other nations that take the risk of traveling to the Capital of the Sky Lands. [/hider] [hider=Entrance to the Sky Lands][img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/002/121/087/large/aleksi-briclot-jungle-02-b-aleksi.jpg?1457542384[/img][/hider]