As Ben rotated for a better view, Jacqueline would swagger into the office and toss her handbag down onto a chair. Stretching out a little, the man sitting behind the desk would offer a chuckle, standing up and stretching out in turn. He was young; perhaps a year or two younger than Jacqueline, far too young to have served as anything but a boy scout in the war, but built like an athlete. The California sun had given his skin a lovely bronze tint to it, and his hair was a slightly washed out brown, as if he frequently spent time in the sun which, considering his likely vocation, wasn't that unusual. The clothing he wore was a little nicer than the usual blue-collar apparel though, and the watch on his wrist was flashy enough to reflect the sun back out the window. "Jacky. How lovely to see you darling." "And you as well. Don't sell yourself short." The actress would sprawl herself out across a chair, rummaging through her handbag once she was comfortable. She drew out a case of cigarettes, not a packet or a bundle, but a snakeskin-leather covered, silver waterproof snap-closed cover with store bought ciggs contained within. She would draw a single one out, twirl it between her fingers and offer it to Vince, who would shake his hand and reach down into a drawer and pull out a cigar to match her light. She drew out a matchstick and handed it over to the man. Vince would light his cigar and offer the match back, but it would snuff out before she could light her own smoke. The pair would look at each other for a second, and then laugh, Jacky standing up and leaning across towards the well-built manager. They would touch the tips of their smokes together, Jacqueline would breathe in, and her own cig would light in what could almost have passed for a kiss before the pair of them had sat back down, pleasant silence passing as both of them filled the interior of the room with tobacco smoke. "So. Johnny says you wanted to see me," she would say at last. "Oh yes." Vince grinned eagerly. "We've got something for you to take to the boys at the Glamour Hawk. Europe isn't all jackboots and Hitler salutes. The Limeys especially; those boys put up almost as good a fight as us, and their rightful rulers are still alive and well, outside of the grasp of the war machine. We've got some news from their underground cells, and we think it could be a big boost to the boys to hear what others are doing to kick Fritz in his damned balls."