Holding Iris close to himself, Caspian could tell that she wasn’t quite as relaxed as he was. He couldn’t say he was surprised though. She always seemed to be tense with worry about something or another. Some of her fears were justified, since they did have some uphill battles ahead of them on their way to being together. However, he suspected that her elevated sense of anxiety was mostly attributed to the trauma she’d been through since the moment she’d ended up in the capital the first time. The combination of amnesia, manipulation by the rebellion, running from and being captured by the same people, and then landing in prison and the hospital in the capital was a lot for anyone to go through. He couldn’t blame her for having lasting stress from the experiences. Still, he did his best to help her calm down, running his hand gently down and up her back while they laid on the bed. Even if he couldn’t totally alleviate her fears, he wanted her to know that he was there for her. He’d meant it when he’d told her he was planning to do everything in his power to make sure they could stay together. That also meant being a supportive partner while times were still difficult. No matter what happened, he intended to be by her side, shouldering the same burdens and helping her stand on her feet when she felt overwhelmed. Her wellbeing meant just as much to him as the whole kingdom’s, if not more so. [color=#b97703]“You don’t have to apologize,”[/color] he murmured without opening his eyes, still tired since they hadn’t gotten up yet. [color=#b97703]“I’m not mad at you. I don’t like to see you upset, but you can be honest with me about how you’re feeling.”[/color] Stretching languidly, he forced himself to meet her gaze, so he could offer her another reassuring smile as he brushed off her attempt to change the subject. [color=#b97703]“I understand why you’re worried. There’s a lot that we still have to deal with. We’re safe right now though, so I just meant that we should try to relax a little while we have the chance.”[/color] It was opportunistic, and he knew it, but it was the best they were going to get until he came up with a solution to the issue of his father. Not giving up on his plan to help her have a good time yet, his smile turned sly, and he leaned up on his arm to hover over her. [color=#b97703]“You know, I’m pretty hungry too, but not for breakfast…”[/color] he whispered suggestively before he pressed his lips to hers in a deep kiss. With his free hand, he caressed her cheek and entangled his legs with hers under the sheets. The way their bodies fit together was imprinted on his memories forever, and as the images resurfaced in his mind, his heart fluttered excitedly. After a moment—or longer. He always lost track of time when he was with her—Cas pulled back just enough to catch his breath and grinned at her playfully, [color=#b97703]“I’m never going to get tired of doing this.”[/color]