[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200903/0fd62bf3d75762d31cb6a538b3ccedb4.png[/img][/center] As Viper bustled around the IceWing, he glanced back towards Dreamseeker as she introduced herself and the rest of her troop, [color=f7941d][b]"You're welcome. I'm Aardwolf and the healer is Viper,"[/b][/color] he gestured towards the other SandWing who was in the process of dabbing at the wound on Skua's leg with gauze in order to remove the blood around it. He flashed Dreamseeker a grin, [color=f7941d][b]"No need to apologize. I'm told I'm quite the sight to look upon."[/b][/color] He flared his wings slightly, the black undersides contrasting sharply with the myriad of other shades that covered his scales. Viper rolled her eyes slightly as she continued to tend to Skua's leg, [color=919191][b]"I'll be checking the rest of you over once I get done here,"[/b][/color] her sharp eyes looking at the wounds on both Dreamseeker and Eclipse, [color=919191][b]"You're all in rough shape."[/b][/color] [color=f7941d][b]"They said they got attacked by SandWings near Jade Mountain, probably those ridiculous Duneprowlers trying to show how tough they are,"[/b][/color] he gave an exasperated sigh, [color=f7941d][b]"Never thought they'd actually be this much trouble."[/b][/color] They were just some offshoot of The Outclaws. A group of SandWings who had a problem with how things were run around The Scorpion Den and wanted to try and prove that they knew better. He shook his head, instead they were attacking people randomly across the dunes. [color=ed1c24][b]"Will he be alright?"[/b][/color] the SkyWing, Eclipse, asked quietly as he shuffled his feet in the sand; looking between Viper and Dreamseeker nervously. Aardwolf gave him a reassuring smile, [color=f7941d][b]"He'll be fine. Viper is the best there is around here. All he needs is a bit of rest and some time to heal up."[/b][/color] As Eclipse nodded and continued to stare worriedly at Skua, he looked back towards Dreamseeker, [color=f7941d][b]"It might be a bit before you guys can head out, you should make yourselves comfortable."[/b][/color]