No apology required, [@Klumsykrow357]. Assuming anyone would try to fight November as part of their backstory, with actual harm involved, his intent would be to kill - a character like Clint who November [i]has[/i] to defer to, having authority by proxy, would be the way to prevent him from going to the full length to do so. So I am not particularly comfortable with making that determination yet. If the Game Master has something for that, absolutely, I would have no issue with it, because then November would simply obey but obviously have a radically different standing with that character. It would be something interesting to explore because it begs the question, "Can you really trust November, knowing the moment this is over what is going to happen?" Could other characters trust him that he simply wouldn't let Wendi die if a situation arose where his action or inaction made that kind of difference? Not saying this will be the case but it plays into the idea. Of course, I know the answer for the character and it is fairly obvious out-of-character how and why he would behave, but to the characters that is asking a lot about something they themselves do not actually [i]know[/i]. Even if Wendi was in the wrong as by starting the fight, it is probably much harder to believe November isn't conceptually sharpening his knives, and in a way it gives her a sort of self-validation. Again, Game Master's intent permitting. [@WaywardK], I have to admit, the idea of a character wanting to be friendly to November is entertaining too. I will absolutely have to write a general overview here in the next couple of days based on what everyone else has done for their characters. Particularly since not all these are mutual relationships or understandings between them. November, for example, simply wouldn't have the understanding of Jason's consuming need for approval and it makes for an interesting game of Jason probably putting up with the unusual dialogue expected of a thera zealot.