And so a new life would begin for our delvers, every morning that would come they would be met with rigorous training given by Virgil as he trained his members accordingly. From sword and magic techniques to intense rock climbing and swimming, Virgil would cover any topic that would ensure his team's survival. [hr] In the scope of the month, tensions began to rise between the ten lords of Zion as news had been released of King Baldwin’s apparent sickness. With no successor inline the lords were in a panic and had to quickly prepare if the King were to pass. Alongside the news of the king’s sickness a great quiet veiled the abyss, an unusual silence formed and no sighting of demons had been spotted after the announcement of the delver’s training. With the cooperation of the delvers and the city guard patrols became tighter, the shield that protected Zion thicker than usual, as if something was to come but to general knowledge, they were at peace. As training continued, however, Virgil was noticeably more worried and though training continued as normal there were faint moments of where his mind seemed to wander elsewhere. [hr] In the culmination of the month that passed, the members of the cross would feel stronger, faster, and healthier. Along the way they would learn a skill or two and because of their association with the king and his grandeur quest to explore the abyss they would gain coins as compensation and a little extra due [i]to certain reasons[/i]. On free days the members of the cross would be given time to explore the city, though sadly it had felt quieter than usual. [hr] On the fifth day before the end of the group’s training session, Virgil gathered his teammates for a final speech before a collective break towards the descent. “This month has been rigorous for all of us, time is getting tighter with every moment that passes and with the coming of the abyss I must ask you all this… are you sure you would delve into the abyss. Would you rather stay and watch the world burn or would you fight for humanity and burn in the process? Over the last week of these endless training sessions I have faltered, forgive me as for I should be the leader guiding us into a new hope for humanity but I see myself in fear of what is to come. But alas… “ A silence would overcome, Virgil before he’d abruptly grab his robes and hastily put it over him. “Forgive my moment of weakness, It has been a long day. For now, the week is yours, make it as you please for training has ended. You have all done a considerable amount and I am sure you will all make great warriors out there. But for now make do with the days you have and rest, for when the final day comes we may never experience peace again. On the final day, I request that all of you meet me in the morning of the final day in front of the chapel within the church grounds, a special set of guards will lead you there. You will know if it is them. “ [hr] You spend the remaining days doing whatever it is that you please, while you make your final departures the other groups continue to do their daily training. You still get the same amount of scoffs from the sparrows within the dormitories and are often unrecognizable by the citizens but nevertheless, time continues to pass. [hr] A day before your descent you awaken just like any other normal day. In the mornings the sparrows are off doing their training and return somewhere in the afternoon. The maiden of whom tends the bar on the first floor continues to do her job of dusting the floors and serving any delver who comes by. [center][b] What shall you do on the day before your descent? [/b] [/center] [hider=Congrats! You’ve levelled up!] [list] [*] [b] Skill Points : +10 [/b] [*] [b] Your health has increased by twenty! 70 → 90! [/b] [*] [b] You are now able to learn three new skills! [/b] [i] But as of now you are still only able to wield three skills, but luckily you can switch skills every time you act on a short rest[/i] [*] [b] With the aid of the local government you can upgrade and gain new gear from the thousands of shops within Zion![/b] [*] Passive gained! [b] Virgil's Training, over the course of the month you have strengthened your mind and body in preparation for the abyss. +3 Resistance, +3 Skill [/b] [/list] [/hider]