[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KeAjc2u.png[/img][/center] [center][sup]The Yosemite Shell[/sup][/center] The noise of some serious Canadian crashing erupted behind her. Mariah had to admit then, that she had been pretty into her scratch off tickets, and wasn't paying attention to much else. As she looked over her shoulder, she not only saw a guy in a large-- A naked butt. Why was his ass out? Generally when you wear assless chaps you wear pants underneath them right? Or something? Did it really matter? That was all she needed to see as, quietly as she could, Mariah began gathering her things up. Luckily the teleportation of Penny and Isla happened at the right moment. Good. Surely that would be enough distraction for her to make her way out of the door, as this lunatic was a few paces away from her but she was definitely out of his sight, somehow. How had he managed to walk all the way past her? --Isla and Penny? Was she having a weird dream again? Mariah blinked heavily, shook her head, and-- nope. That man's vaguely concave ass was still there. Nightmare, then? She gave one final glance to the gas station attendant, noticed that he was very subtly moving his hands underneath whatever gas station attendant desk thingy he stood behind, and he had the nerve to wink at her. Whatever weapon he was about to use to defeat double assless-man over there, she wasn't gonna stick around to find out. Mariah would have laughed if she wasn't already moving toward the door. That's right she just walked out. Of course, the door cling-y clang'd, but she took a very sharp turn out of it and began sprinting. Here's precisely the order in which she saw things: First the horse, second Madison's car, next a spiral of asphalt and sky and asphalt, then finally all of her stuff strewn all over the ground. As she stared at the sky, she started to wonder if she should just start wearing a helmet around, whenever the coven was involved. And when she heard the hoarse snorting triumphantly, she suddenly understood why they were made into glue. An acute need to turn this beautiful majestic animal into a fine paste was burning within her. [color=#F3128D]"Motherfucker kicked me,"[/color] Mariah admitted allowed to make the event more tangible. Shocked, in pain, and dazed, Mariah was thankful that at least she'd thrown her items far enough away from the stupid thing, that she could gather them in relative peace. So there she was in a gas station parking lot, having been kicked by a horse, scrambling for scratch off tickets, a pickle, an open bottle of soda, and a very distressed bag of Takis. Wait why was Madison's car here? Oh yeah-- she still had no idea what was going on.