"Thank you Drei, that means a lot," Artemis said as she then walked silently through the woods, loving the fact that it all was sp peaceful now that there were no humans that spoiled the whole ordeal. Wondering why he was taking more of a distance between them, was the hug that strange to him? She made a mental note not to touch him from now on, she missed him being near and she really needed to get a grip. Who even crushed on a bloody alien? He was beautiful, exotic, smart, and very caring. He had not killed her and actually learned her language, he listened and heard every word she said. if this was a rom-com, he was the perfect man. After a few hours, she knew they had to get back, and so the silent trek back home had started. All they saw were animals. She stopped at one point to look at a stag that stood tall. Snorting as it spotted them and then ran off again. It was strange how they instantly seemed to know that his kind were predators. "That was a male deer or buck," she told him as she then smiled. "Prey animal," she said as she found it beautiful. The birds singing as she realized there also were birds that could mimic a tune. And so she started to whistle a simple tune. It started with one bird singing it and soon multiple of them started to play with the notes. Those birds were a mix of two species and she loved them. Only to smile as she saw her home, opening the doors and quickly taking off her shoes. When the device made a sound, she looked at Azdrei'in his voice speaking softly as his language was one she could listen to for hours. It was beautiful and she just sat in the room waiting for him to finish the talk with Zallah. She wondered what they were saying and so she just decided to go to her room and looking at herself in the mirror. Only to go back to put on the blue dress, if she were to go to the spaceship, she wanted to be dressed into something that actually made her look like a woman. Braiding her hair and then walking back out."What did she say?" she asked with a sweet smile.