[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200828/719c60d5204f53e72280223df123f335.png[/img][/center] [color=#D1D0CE]Dreamseeker unconsciously returned Eclipse's motion, brushing her wingtips back against his as she tucked her feet under her chest. Her eyes watched Viper as she worked before she scanned Eclipse's body, trying to see if there were any deeper wounds that could cause trouble. At least Skua was asleep. The other dragon appeared almost small upon his pillow as his muzzle was the least bit wrinkled in a semi-scowl and his claws twitched as if he were dreaming. She turned back to face Aardwolf just as a rather... interesting thought passed through his head. She ducked her head and pretended to notice a rather interesting bug on the floor. What, just because they had brushed wingtips? It wasn't like they were twining tails. Flustered, she took a sharp breath and tried her best to focus on what he said. The Duneprowlers? The Outclaws? These were words she wasn't familiar with. Both of them sounded like some sort of bandits, but maybe the Outclaws were better in a way? They seemed more like vigilantes or guards, separate from Queen Arid's own guard. His words at the end sent a shiver down her spine, and she found herself pressing a little closer to Eclipse for comfort as Viper hovered close to tend to her wounds. [color=614051][b]"It sounds like you're dealing with a lot. We are, too,"[/b][/color] Dreamseeker spoke quietly. It was so weird that she had begun to speak to so many dragons-- Eclipse, then Brightstar, then Skua, and now Aardwolf... she never expected to be so social. [color=614051][b]"Um... perhaps you've heard the news from the Sky Kingdom? Queen Ember was murdered only a day or two ago. We were on the way to the rainforest because we suspect that the poison that was used against her had been gathered from a beast that lurks there. Well, [i]were[/i], until--"[/b][/color] [b]"Wait, did you say that Queen Ember was [i]murdered?[/i]"[/b] one of the SandWings nearly jumped off of her pillow. [b]"By who?"[/b] Dreamseeker blinked in alarm. [color=614051][b]"W-we..."[/b][/color] [b]"Then who is in charge of the Sky Kingdom?"[/b] muttered another as he shared nervous glances with the first. Both of them looked at her expectantly. [color=614051][b]"I don't know!"[/b][/color] Dreamseeker yelped, ducking closer to the pillow. This was so overwhelming![/color]