Najila moved to join with the others after the kobold escaped their wrath. She looked to Layla and Nadir as they gave their words of gratitude to Blue. She spoke to them, "[color=aqua]Nadir...I must offer my apologies. I am sorry. If I hadn't forgotten to set up that Alarm spell, then perhaps none of us would have been in this mess,[/color]" She then looked to Blue and she thanked him, "[color=aqua]Thank you for saving them,[/color]" She then looked to Aron and Orchid when they spoke next. After Orchid mentioned her book, she nodded and reaffirmed, "[color=aqua]Yes. The Book of Clouds. It is indeed imperative that I find it,[/color]" She then continued, "[color=aqua]While I can easily ask for it back with a ritual, I'd rather not. I can't imagine that [i]he[/i] would be too happy to hear that I had it stolen from me,[/color]" Then a thought comes to her, and she mumbles out loud, "[color=aqua]Come to think of it...How long [i]has[/i] it been since I've last written in the Book of Clouds? ...He's probably cross by now if it's been a while...[/color]"