~ Neirie ~ Although she had long ago forgotten what it felt like to breathe, she sucked in a sharp, right 'breath'. As the shocking feeling began to subside, she lingered her eyes over the young man and his lovely hulking 'friend'. As he faltered slightly and met her gaze she realized whatever kind of trap she had stumbled across was most likely of his creation. Thoughts flew around her mind as she wondered what in the world he could actually be, what the woman who guarded him so precariously was, whether them now knowing that she was an elder vampire was a terrible thing or not, and whether she should scatter like the young vampire girl in front of her was suggesting. All the while trying to keep the several other scents in the building that now assaulted her senses from overloading her brain. And then 'Josip' began to speak. Like the fingers of an ice elemental sliding down the marrow in one's bones, his words practically tore at her skin they were laced with such anger and disgust. Though he had no supernatural abilities so to speak, he appeared to have spent years honing his words and speech like a knife. Meant for those of her [b][i]kind[/i][/b]. If not for the cold set in her bones ages ago she may have actually shivered where she stood. Instead she held back a snarl by digging one fang into her bottom lip and without showing any outward movement, slid her batpack around to the front placing one hand on her bow handle. Her other hand, still out and in its sleeve, continued to feel the remnants of feeling like she had been practically electrocuted. She curled her finger open and closed, trying to shake away the feeling as nonchalant as possible. As Josip came towards the end of his judgement and accusations of the girl before them, it became more and more clear that he was in fact a man of the sort others called Hunters. Though he was getting towards the older side of age by humans standards, this man was far from weak, or naive. He had most likely been in this line of work for most of his life and likely had the scars to match the experiences. She wouldn't want to have him waiting for her in a dark alley somewhere unexpectedly... And [b][i]She's[/i][/b] an Elder Vampire. Not nearly as old or as powerful as those they call the First Bloods. Or even the few generations after known as the Ancients, or Ancient One's. Which she's always believed her master was fairly close to being. She would still feel uncomfortably meeting up with this human in any situation she want previously aware of. Her grip tightened around her bow as well as her other hand into a clenched fist. Though her attention, senses and guard were aimed towards Josip, her eyes stayed glued to the young man Neirie had heard his faithful bodyguard call "DarnDarn". Watching to see if her slightly sudden appearance, which had visually affected him, was an issue for him. She had come here on rumors of assistance. Talks of a Being that could make items to help her hunt down her Master. His true location. Not of that had practically gone stale. Someone who could provide aid or tools to help her against the monster. Could this boy truly be the one she'd traveled so far for? Though his scent was intense and intriguing, she could have sworn there was an ever so slight hint of human among it. Yet different. The fact that she couldn't pin point it was driving her almost mad. While also on her mind was that Josip had a fresh yet stale scent same as the elegant and vicious aroma coming from the 'Man' called Simon. She tilted her head ever so slightly as Simon began to seemingly [i]defend[/i] Josip. Were they actually together? Was this fairly blatantly human man in cahoots with a supernatural? Is this how he was actually able to find the bar? How if he was actually a hunter could he let a supernatural live? And why on the earth would any supernatural willingly help him? Neirie actually blinked. This Josip had been fairly reserved when scaling the scene of the window break. Though he seemed to contemplate "DarnDarn" and his guardians visages, and seemed to be, if strangely, friendly with Simon. He didn't appear to become hostile until after noticing the young vampires sleeves and he became even more agitated once Neirie began defending her. As her glued eyes turned in almost slow motion to the man behind her, she peaked an ever so quick glimmer. He was a Vampire Hunter. And he most likely was there specifically for her. Perhaps not her alone. But any who might call her kind kin. Working with Simon or not, this man was dangerous and probably more than prepared for a fight. A fight meant to seriously injure or kill [b][u]HER[/u][/b]. Just as she was about to yank her bow into full size she felt that same electric feeling from before except it wasn't aimed towards herself, and it was a lot stronger. She snapped her eyes back to DarnDarn as he seemed to almost glow with a crackling green energy. As he began to speak Neirie could hear the power of several voices flow from his words. He senses were barraged once again with a multitude of his strange scent and she winced slightly at the mere force of it. Whether out of training or habit she instantly stepped in front of the girl with her feet spread apart and her bow drawn between her legs. She faced Josip and locked her full attention and guard on his scent and visage. If she didn't have to fight she wouldn't. But she was ready if need be and she at least knee better than to get close to that man.