[center][h1][u][b][color=6ecff6]Alpha / K Nine[/color][/b][/u][/h1][/center] [center]Location: Pandora's Potts[/center] [center]Interactions: Anyone present at Pandora's Potts[/center] [center]Note: The passage with the italic font was done with Hitman on Discord.[/center] A black sports motor cycle soon pulled up to the corner of the street just some distance away from Pandora's Potts. What made this odd was the rider himself. He was all dressed up in what appeared to be a black CPD SWAT uniform. Some weapons were even attached on his person. But when you consider the chaotic situation that was taking place in Castleburg right now, perhaps the sight itself wasn't that odd. But for Alpha aka K Nine, it felt almost like he was in a war zone. At the moment, he was just going off of what second commander Christina had told him but had a feeling he'd find one or more of the "targets" here at Pandora's Potts. After all, after what Christina told him about Pandora...her heroic exploits over multiple lifetimes...who she REALLY was of all thing among little info's on her. Considering Powers himself is M.I.A. and second commander Christina was conducting her own investigation into this matter, the only true "senior" that anyone could trust right now with leadership was Pandora. As he parked the motorcycle in a nearby alley, he quickly reflected on information he had learned about...one of which a conversation he had with his comm's device. * * * * * * * * * * [i]"...K Nine reporting Detective...", he said monotone. A gruff, hardened tone rattled back through the comm, an older man's voice, perhaps in his 50s, a battle-weary tone weaving through his words. "Hear you loud and clear. What's the situation over there?" the voice barked. "...put bluntly sir, not good...it seems the EAGLES found your s-...got to suspect Firebird first. He..."resisted arrest" by assaulting hero Rubber Man. Despite using some high tech weapon, he defeated him but was weakened enough for a second individual to incapacitate him. Witnesses state that they drove off with him in a plain black van. Unmarked and no license plates...", K Nine reported, correcting his earlier part of the statement. Roger von Brandt was currently driving a Mr. Softee's Ice Cream truck through New Athens, looking for clues or anything that could help as he made his way through the area. As his vehicle stopped at a red light, he lifted his microphone, so to avoid burdening Alpha was unnecessary noise, before looking over his shoulder. "I don't know why the fuck I'm now an ambulance driver..." he grumbled, looking at the person in the back of the ice cream truck. Instead of ice cream, the truck was currently storing a tall, black, muscled man, covered in a light blue blanket, covered in bruises and gashes of rather large magnitude. Roger shook his head. "Well, no use in complaining now..." he added, before turning his eyes back to the road and lowering his mic. "Anything else of note in the area, K9?" "...just one more thing...witnesses literally across this street I'm on said they saw...some monster...one thought it was some flying leftover but...that it looked beautiful...I'm sorry detective but...if I remember right...I remember police and criminals in another city make similar reports...which means...", K Nine said, trailing off. "Left-whatever?" Roger asked, confused. He did not share his son's knowledge on HERO-related terminology (as limited as that knowledge is). "...those weird monsters we sometimes deal with...though they said this one was pink...I know of one that matches that description...Alien Angel. She works for that vigilante group called "Infinite"...as if this situation isn't chaotic enough...", K Nine monotone.[/i] * * * * * * * * * * It was bad enough all of this was happening within the city but NOW the infamous "Infinite" vigilante group had sent their "Recon" member Alien Angel to check things out...as if EAGLES running around acting like THEY were the law was bad enough. It really DID feel like a war zone right now...but the Castleburg Police Department or CPD weren't taking this lying down either. For one, they had already sent a investigation and forensic science team to Club 27 to determine cause of death among other information vital to the case that Seraph was making against Patricia. Though if it did involve a super power, forensic's may not be able to prove anything but at the same time, that wouldn't help Seraph either. All Seraph was doing essentially was "finger pointing" and using his charisma with the general public to gain favor. But his method's were his mistake. Hijacking every general media outlet, T.V.'s and radio's included, was no different than when super villain Caustic did when he publicly humiliate and execute then Wing's of Law member Rainbow Dancer. That was law breaking right there...hell, that was terrorism. As such, CPD were even looking for him and his whereabouts. Add to the fact that Sir E. Burm had hired lawyers to challenge the charges and even Starbright using his own charisma to support Patricia on social media further threw doubt into the wind on Seraph's actions or at least that's how he felt about it. That didn't stop EAGLES members though. Reports even said that some were villains...and they were all hunting those on Seraph's hit list. Then there was the I.C.O.S.A...last he heard, they were hesitating to take a side in this. Even more so if they heard that Seraph found a way to take down Hugo Powers. They felt that if they just sent every international hero into Castleburg to resolve this incident, Seraph would use whoever or whatever he used on Powers to defend himself. Collateral damage and possibly civilian casualties would be massive...deadly...worse than...well any damages that Hero One themselves ever did on any of their missions. Which mean't that it was most likely up to them...the remaining members of "Hero One", to fix this whole mess. But first things first...he had to find Patricia and others before any EAGLES members did. K Nine didn't bother with stealth here. Even in all uniform, he didn't want to provoke a fight even if anyone inside the store didn't trust him...still, if he was forced to make an arrest, he'd rather it be the CPD rather than the EAGLES. Even if they didn't know it, the CPD was no fan of Seraph right now but they couldn't just sit on their rears and do nothing either. He then knocked. [color=6ecff6]"...Miss Pandora...this is Alpha aka K Nine...member of Hero One now officially with CPD SWAT...please let me in...we need to talk...[/color]", K Nine said monotone.