[hr][CENTER][url=https://fontmeme.com/never-really-over-font/][img]https://i.imgur.com/Pucq5CT.png?2[/img][/url] "[color=#FFD700]Can we not?[/color]" [hr] —————————————————— [sub]A Stopover[/sub][/center] [indent] When Maya responded to her asking about about her broken finger, Quinn could not help but shake her head at herself. She was a little mad at herself for asking that question; Quinn needs to remember that they are not friends, they are not even acquaintances, they exist at the same time in the coven. [i]That's it.[/i] "[color=#FFD700]Right right, been there my bad-...[/color]" Quinn flinched at the sound of hooves hitting the pavement, her head swivelled around to see who or what it was. It was a horse, and a man. She blinked a few times just to see if her eyes were not being messed with by the Florida heat, but as soon as she watched the man walk in the store she knew that it was real. She then heard a series of voices from Isla and that other girl Penny before she turned to Maya. She pulled out the box of smokes she had and offered another to Maya. Quinn really, [i]really[/i] did not care much for all the crazy shit that happens in Florida, of course sometimes it is unavoidable. Especially for the people inside the store right now, it was evident that this is a normal in this state and she had grown to accept that but it does not make it any less weird. "[color=#FFD700]Can we not get involved? I really don't want to deal with something like that right now.[/color]" Said Quinn, pulling out a stick and putting in her mouth, "[color=#FFD700]They can handle that.[/color]" Quinn then started smoking again, really not in the mood to deal with a Florida man. She blew out smoke out of her mouth and peaked her head through the window to see what was going on, her eyes examined the man but she immediately looked away at the sight of assless chaps. Quinn placed her hand to her forehead in a facepalm sort of manner and shook her head once more. She looked down at her ring then to the horse, then to Mariah who was kicked by the horse- Wait, what? "[color=#FFD700]What the fuck is today?[/color]" She asked the world, throwing her hands in the air. [hr] [CENTER][url=https://fontmeme.com/never-really-over-font/][img]https://i.imgur.com/KfOItUi.png?2[/img][/url] "[color=#FF5757]General Florida man, you are a bold one.[/color]"[/center][hr] Grace pursed her lips when Claudette was about to decline, but then the sudden burst of 1900s dialogue surprised her and her attention was immediately caught by the man in assless chaps. Grace's heart began to beat a mile a minute as soon as that huge revolver was pointed at her, one shot of that would kill her and anyone else here. She put her hands up to show that she was not a threat, holding the money in her hand as she did. She was now thinking, now fuelled by adrenaline, but being Grace maybe adrenaline was what she needed- [i]Crash![/i] Went the shelves along with Claudette. Her attention now moved from the cowboy with the gun to the French on the ground next to a bunch of sour patch kids. "[color=#FF5757]Are you okay?[/color]" She had to ask, hoping that asking that would not lead to her getting shot. Grace thoughts started to intertwine and fumble with each other especially once the word 'oriental' processed in her brain. Wow, Florida men have no filter whatsoever. What could she do right now? Come on Grace, think, think!... Aha! "[color=#FF5757]Take it.[/color]" She said, as she moved her fist with hundred dollar bill towards the man's direction, she was hoping this plan will work. She was now filling her hand with electricity as she held that hand out, hopefully sending one hell of a shock as soon as his hand touches hers to grab the cash. She was really hoping that she is not overcharging herself since too much electricity might kill a man like this. There can be two scenarios if the man touches her hand. One: He practically gets tased and knocked out, then the cops come to pick him up while everyone just leaves as to not get involved. Two: The shock is too much and pops the man's eyes out of their sockets and the coven has to run off and Grace will have to live her life knowing that she killed a man. If you ask me the odds were pretty good. Was this a good plan? No, but was this the only plan she could think of that works right now? Absolutely. Although it did not matter since there were suddenly two members of the coven in front of her, right between her and the armed man. She blinked to see that it was Penny and Isla, she immediately lowered her hand to make and started to spread the energy around back in her body as to not shock the two. No one just needed to touch her lest they wanted to feel a static shock since she was spreading it everywhere. It is the small price of being a lightning bearer. [/indent][hr] [color=#BDBDBD][sub][right]Interactions: [/right][/sub][/color]